- 27th October - Where I’ll be at MozFest 2016
- 8th April - 3 things I learned during my time at Mozilla
- 27th March - Today is my last day at Mozilla
- 9th February - A visual history of the first two years of Mozilla’s Web Literacy Map
- 12th January - Join me this Thursday for a Connected Learning webinar: An Introduction to ‘Teaching the Web’ and ‘Web Literacy’
- 22nd October - What I’m doing at #MozFest 2014
- 10th October - Towards an architecture of participation for episodic volunteering
- 8th September - Web Literacy: More than just coding; an enabling education for our times [EdTech Digest]
- 19th May - On ‘Kit Builder’
- 9th May - Mozilla Webmaker training starts Monday 12th May!
- 1st April - Why I still believe in badges [DMLcentral]
- 14th March - Does Open Education and the Open Web need ‘defending’?
- 12th March - What does working openly on the web mean in practice? [UK Web Focus]
- 11th March - On the link between Open Education and the Open Web
- 10th March - Open Education and the Open Web (#openeducationwk)
- 3rd March - What’s new with Open Badges?
- 10th February - Weeknote 06/2014
- 31st January - 3 things I’m looking forward to at the Webmaker workweek
- 15th January - The Web Literacy Standard is dead (long live the Web Literacy Map!)
- 28th October - Announcing the Web Literacy Standard (specification)
- 27th October - Minimum Viable Badge
- 25th October - Where I’ll be at MozFest
- 9th October - 3 things I saw at the Mozilla Summit that blew my mind
- 23rd August - My next 100 days at Mozilla
- 12th August - Transitioning into a new role at Mozilla
- 29th July - Web Literacy Standard RFC
- 21st July - Badge Camp 2013
- 9th July - It’s time to register for MozFest 2013!
- 8th July - Mozilla Maker Party Newcastle (17 August 2013)
- 1st July - A quick look back at my first year at Mozilla
- 25th June - I’ve got a Firefox OS phone
- 21st June - New Open Badges napkin sketch
- 7th June - Mozilla needs your help with a final push for the Web Literacy Standard (beta)!
- 23rd May - Explaining Open Badges through analogy
- 8th May - Answering your questions about Open Badges
- 26th April - First draft of Mozilla’s Web Literacy standard now available!
- 19th April - Mozilla Web Literacy standard: draft release candidate
- 15th April - Latest version of Web Literacy standard grid (15th April 2013)
- 8th April - Latest version of Web Literacy standard grid (8 April 2013)
- 4th April - What does it mean to ‘align’ with the Web Literacy standard?
- 2nd April - Web Literacy Standard: a modest proposal (#weblitstd)
- 14th March - Open Badges reaches v1.0!
- 11th March - Thinking through the Web Literacy standard arc.
- 4th March - Supporting a Generation of Digital Makers
- 28th February - First Mozilla Web Literacy standard community call recording now available
- 25th February - Web Literacy standard weekly community calls starting this Thursday
- 18th February - Why we need a learning standard for Web Literacy [DMLcentral]
- 7th February - Towards a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy
- 6th February - Towards a Web Literacy standard: (4) How?
- 5th February - Towards a Web Literacy standard: (3) Who?
- 4th February - Towards a learning standard for Web Literacy: (2) What? Why?
- 31st January - Towards a learning standard for Web Literacy: (1) Introduction.
- 27th January - Some (brief) thoughts about online peer assessment.
- 15th January - Mozilla Thimble + Popcorn Maker: a productive Webmaking partnership
- 14th January - A conversation with Audrey Watters about Web Literacies.
- 9th January - Videos for #openbadges workshops [RESOURCES]
- 26th November - How to make #openbadges work for you and your organisation.
- 11th November - Webmaker badges are GO!
- 9th November - Preparing for #MozFest
- 26th October - Mozilla Web Literacies v0.9 (#mozweblit)
- 18th October - On the ‘openness’ of Open Badges.
- 5th October - Mozilla Web Literacies white paper v0.8
- 3rd October - MozFest!
- 19th September - What I’m up to for Mozilla at the moment.
- 18th September - Mozilla Web Literacies v0.7
- 14th September - Thinking About Web Literacy, Making, & Sharing with Mozilla [AUDIO]
- 10th September - Mozilla, Webmaking, and the Architecture of Participation
- 23rd August - On the relationship between Digital Literacies and Web Literacies. [VIDEO]
- 22nd August - Announcing TeachMeet Mozilla Webmaker Edition 2012 [EVENT]
- 21st August - Digital Literacies and Web Literacies: What’s the Difference? [DMLcentral]
- 15th August - What we’re up to with Mozilla Webmaker (Open) badges.
- 7th August - Connected Learning webinar on Hacker Literacies featuring yours truly. [VIDEO]
- 6th August - An elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.2) [VIDEO]
- 27th July - [UPDATED] Google+ Hangout about #openbadges TODAY 11:00 (BST)
- 25th July - HOWTO: Issue #openbadges in 5 steps using WordPress + WPBadger
- 24th July - Web Literacies: What is the ‘Web’ Anyway? [DMLcentral]
- 23rd July - What a weekend! (#MozParty Newcastle & #GreatNorth10k)
- 19th July - Informal learning, gaming, and #openbadges design
- 17th July - Coming to an event near you…
- 16th July - My elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.1 alpha) [VIDEO]
- 15th July - Aim for the high ground, not the high horse.
- 12th July - On the important differences between literacies, skills and competencies.
- 3rd July - Web Literacies: building on the work of Michelle Levesque
- 28th June - Some thoughts on the Department for Education’s consultation on ‘Parental Internet Controls’.
- 26th June - Why the knowledge vs. skills debate in education is wrong-headed.
- 25th June - Join me at #MozParty Newcastle on 21st July 2012! [EVENT]
- 20th June - On the Importance of Webmaking [DMLcentral]
- 14th June - Web literacies? (v0.2 beta)
- 6th June - Why I’m becoming a MoFo(er).
- 17th May - Reconfiguring Mozilla’s Web Literacies (v0.1 alpha)