Mozilla Web Literacies v0.7
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I’ve put together the above rather hastily after last week’s Mozilla Foundation All-Hands meeting in Toronto. Whilst there’s lots I need to do before v0.8 it’s better to get this out there to stop people referring to the (now rather out-of-date) v0.6!
Version 0.9 (release candidate) will be available for the Mozilla Festival this November, and v1.0 for the DML Conference in March 2013.
As always, I’d appreciate your feedback – both on the above and at this Etherpad:
Doug, I’m a researcher at Southampton Uni., I am wondering will this taxomony of Web Literacies have any impact beyond Mozilla’s badge system? I am thinking about for example what’s going to replace ICT in English schools.
Huw Davies
Hi Huw, that’s certainly the intention. Although we’ll be implementing part of the web literacies system through badges, it’s an attempt to define an area that is currently loosely defined and talked about in a rather woolly way! š