Open Thinkering


What I’m up to for Mozilla at the moment.

Not every venture is about capital
  1. Writing a Web Literacies white paper
  2. Evangelising Open Badges
  3. Working with Nesta and the Nominet Trust (and others) around Digital Making in the UK
  4. Helping create a Hacktivator programme for both formal and informal teachers – resources, guides, etc.
  5. Starting some work around appropriate evaluation metrics for the Mozilla Foundation

Busy busy busy.

(oh, and by the way my MBTI came out as ENTJ at the Mozilla All-Hands meeting last week – I used to be INTJ…)

3 thoughts on “What I’m up to for Mozilla at the moment.

  1. Not sure I understand Hacktivator, define c/o Google returns zero and the search refers to some Airprint fix.

    THANKS for the pointer to Nesta and Nominet (never heard of them before).

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