Coming to an event near you…
I’m not even three weeks into my role at the Mozilla Foundation, but it looks like I’m going to be spending a good deal of my time next academic year travelling, speaking and meeting people.
I want to tell as many people as possible about:
- Open Badges
- Mozilla’s webmaker tools
- My work around digital literacies and web literacies
If they sound like the sort of things that you’d like to hear about it’s probably a good idea to tell me about your event sooner rather than later! 🙂
Image from an original CC BY-NC-SA foto_mania
You might be interested in attending one of our RaspberryJam events. There’s on at Mozilla London on July 25th. If you can’t make this one there’s Bristol Aug 20th and many more.
See for more details.
Great! Thanks Alan. 🙂