Open Thinkering


Tag: web literacy standard

Why we need a learning standard for Web Literacy [DMLcentral]

Update: For the latest information on the Web Literacy standard work, head to

I’m pleased that my latest post for DMLcentral is up. Entitled Why We Need a Learning Standard for Web Literacy I examine how we can best structure ways in which people learn to not only read but write the Web:

When it comes to getting better at using and making the Web the current status quo is problematic for learners. Where do you go if you want to get better at your Web skills? How do you even know what’s important to learn? I would suggest that most of us who count ourselves as ‘Web Literate’ reached that level more by luck than by judgement. I certainly enjoyed the journey, but it’s been an extremely long and meandering path. I think we can do better for learners.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog it’s effectively a repackaged version of what I’ve been banging on about here. Please do add your thoughts on the DMLcentral post – I’ve closed comments here to encourage you to comment over there. 🙂

PS Don’t forget to attend this Thursday’s Web Literacy standard online gathering!

T3S1: Digital Literacies with Dr. Doug Belshaw (#etmooc)

I’m running my first-ever MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) session on digital literacies as part of #etmooc. Anyone can join in at 8pm GMT on Monday 18th February 2013. The link you need is at Point 4 here. Slides below or on Slideshare!

[slideshare id=16552231&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;&sc=no]

Weeknote 06/2013

This week I have been mostly:

  • Reading Mindstorms by Seymour Papert.
  • Planning a SXSWedu panel session with Kate Stokes from Nesta.
  • Writing lots of blog posts explaining Mozilla’s (or at least my) thinking around a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy. See this overview post pulling everything together.
  • Preparing for and presenting as part of the kick-off online gathering for the Web Literacy standard. related resources are here.
  • Leading a Vital TeachShare session on Mozilla Webmaker tools. Slides here and the recording (which I’m hoping to have converted into a more Web-friendly format) can be found here.
  • Talking to the University of Hull about Open Badges for skills awards. I’m also in conversations with another university about a badge-based BSc, which is exciting. And the BBC. Badges, badges everywhere!
  • Submitting an IGNITE proposal for the DML Conference 2013 around the Web Literacy standard work. I did one last year (on a different topic) so I’m not sure if that counts for or against me.

Next week I’m a guest of the University of Salford who are interested in exploring Open Badges for various things. And, apart from eating pancakes on Tuesday and being extra-nice to my wife on Thursday, I’m looking forward to catching up with longer-term projects like learning JavaScript. 🙂
