Open Thinkering


Tag: Vital

Weeknote 06/2013

This week I have been mostly:

  • Reading Mindstorms by Seymour Papert.
  • Planning a SXSWedu panel session with Kate Stokes from Nesta.
  • Writing lots of blog posts explaining Mozilla’s (or at least my) thinking around a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy. See this overview post pulling everything together.
  • Preparing for and presenting as part of the kick-off online gathering for the Web Literacy standard. related resources are here.
  • Leading a Vital TeachShare session on Mozilla Webmaker tools. Slides here and the recording (which I’m hoping to have converted into a more Web-friendly format) can be found here.
  • Talking to the University of Hull about Open Badges for skills awards. I’m also in conversations with another university about a badge-based BSc, which is exciting. And the BBC. Badges, badges everywhere!
  • Submitting an IGNITE proposal for the DML Conference 2013 around the Web Literacy standard work. I did one last year (on a different topic) so I’m not sure if that counts for or against me.

Next week I’m a guest of the University of Salford who are interested in exploring Open Badges for various things. And, apart from eating pancakes on Tuesday and being extra-nice to my wife on Thursday, I’m looking forward to catching up with longer-term projects like learning JavaScript. 🙂
