Open Thinkering


Tag: web literacy standard

Weeknote 09/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Preparing for the session I’m running with Kate Stokes (Nesta) at SXSWedu.
  • Calculating my expenses.
  • Explaining to quite a few people that Mozilla doesn’t usually ‘partner’ with other organisations on bids (but that I’m happy to be listed as an advisor).
  • Playing lots of games as part of the nomination committee for Mozilla’s Game On competition.
  • Writing a book chapter overview for Dave White about the philosophical implications of simultaneously inhabiting physical and virtual worlds.
  • Adding descriptions to the articles, blog posts and books in the Web Literacy standard ‘library’.
  • Collaborating with my colleagues Carla Casilli and Erin Knight on a vision document for the Web Literacy standard work.
  • Discovering Firefox tab groups, courtesy of Laura Hilliger.
  • Meeting with builders to discuss my shoffice.
  • Responding to conference organisers asking for titles for presentation, preferences for food, accommodation, etc.
  • Updating my Lanyrd profile and adding conferences I’m attending over the next few months.
  • Sorting out my corporation tax for the now-defunct Synechism Ltd.
  • Leading a webinar on Open Badges for the Centre for Recording Achievement. Slides here.
  • Hosting the inaugural Mozilla Web Literacy standard community call.
  • Speaking to people thinking of using Open Badges for various projects.

Next week I’ll be in Austin, Texas for SXSW 2013. I’m flying out on Sunday and arrive back on Friday. So next week’s update is likely to be a bit shorter…

First Mozilla Web Literacy standard community call recording now available

Update: For the latest information on the Web Literacy standard work, head to

Today we had our inaugural Web Literacy standard community call. I’ll not be posting the recordings of these here, but rather on a new blog we’ve created specifically for the purpose:

Do join us next week if you can! You’ll always be able to find the latest details of the Web Literacy standard work on the Mozilla wiki. 🙂

Web Literacy standard weekly community calls starting this Thursday

Update: For the latest information on the Web Literacy standard work, head to

As my colleague Carla Casilli has already blogged, we’re going to be starting weekly calls to flesh out the work around a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy.

If this work that Mozilla’s starting with the community is news to you, then catch up by devouring the information at these three links:

The weekly calls will be on Thursdays at 4pm GMT (which is 8am PST / 11am ET) and you can connect with the details on this etherpad:

If you haven’t already introduced yourself to the Mozilla Webmaker discussion group, then I’d advise doing so ASAP on this thread. All welcome! 🙂

Image CC BY jurvetson
