Open Thinkering


Tag: webinar

We’re running a webinar next week on badges, and you’re invited

Update: you can now view an edited version of the YouTube Live stream via the We Are Open YouTube channel.

When I was over in Los Angeles earlier this year, I met some great people who seemed to share similar interests to our gang at We Are Open Co-op. Lo and behold, it turns out that Steve Regur and Amy McCammon are co-founders of Educators Co-op. We, of course, started planning how we could work together (in accordance with Principle 6), and continued the conversation at the Mozilla Festival a few weeks ago.

The upshot is that we’re going to get started on our co-operative journey  by running an introductory webinar on Open Badges next Tuesday at 4pm UTC. The link to point people towards is I’ll be facilitating the conversation which will begin with the Bluffer’s Guide to Open Badges slide deck we used at MozFest.

We’ve set a low-bar target of 10 participants for this initial collaboration, but are, of course, expecting more will turn up. Future webinars will move from discussing the basics of badges to more advanced topics, including including how to join our co-operatives, scaffolding digital skills, and more!

Click here to sign up for the webinar

PS This is the perfect link to forward to your colleagues with whom you’ve been wanting to have that conversation about badges. Why not come along together?

Open Networked Learning webinar

Update: The recording can be found here.

Tomorrow evening I’m running a webinar as part of Open Networked Learning, an initiative of three Swedish institutions: Lund University, the Karolinka Institute, and Linnaeus University. I’ll be speaking on digital literacies.

The placeholder slide below links to to Slideshare, where I’ll share the full deck once I’ve finished it!

Update: slides now available below! (can’t see them? click here)

Happily, not only is the webinar recorded, but wider participation is positively encouraged. Here’s the details if you want to join in:

  • Date: Tuesday 28th April 2015
  • Time: 5pm UTC (10am Western US / 1pm Eastern US / 6pm UK / 7pm Western Europe)
  • Location:

Wear your best trousers. 🙂

Weeknote 24/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Presenting and running workshops on Open Badges at a CRA seminar (Monday, Birmingham).
  • Meeting lots of people/organisations at the Mozilla London office to explore ways they can use badges. People like Creative Skillset, OCR, Livity and Inspir.ed.
  • Booking travel for the coming weeks.
  • Running a webinar on Open Badges for Learning Pool (slides here)
  • Ordering more business cards. The other ones didn’t turn up and, as 20th-century as they feel, I’m often in a position where I need to give them out.
  • Catching up with the audio from the Web Literacy Standard community call, hosted by Carla.
  • Hosting the Open Badges community call for the first time for a while.
  • Talking some more and reaching out to various people within Mozilla about Firecloud.
  • Writing a post for DMLcentral about the NSA, Mozilla and privacy that I hope will go live on Monday.
  • Claiming back expenses for speaking at recent events.
  • Meeting with my newest colleague Meg Cole via Skype.
  • Getting some training on interviews with the media from Erica Sackin.
  • Participating in a great day of networking, sharing and planning for a new city-wide learning co-operative (potentially powered by badges!) hosted by the University of Salford.

This week I’ve done loads of stuff myself, but my colleagues have been even busier. This week Mozilla has, well done pretty much everything:

Next week I’m presenting at the Learning and Skills Group (London, Tuesday) and moderating a session on ‘Digital Skills for Work and Learning’ at the EC Digital Agenda Assembly 2013 (Dublin, Wednesday). I’m also looking forward to working with the Mozilla comms team on next month’s beta release of the Web Literacy Standard.
