Open Thinkering


Tag: Laura Hilliger

Mozilla Webmaker MOOC kicking off May 2nd for 9 weeks!

I’m delighted to announce that there’s going to be a Mozilla MOOC! The Massive Open Online Course starts on the May 2nd for 9 weeks with the focus being upon learning how to teach digital literacy and HTML/CSS/JavaScript skills. Happily you don’t have to know anything about the topic(s) before you start. 🙂

>>>SIGN UP HERE! <<<

While I’m not one of the organisers of the Mozilla MOOC I’m excited to be involved as a Super Mentor! Further details (kindly provided by my colleague Laura Hilliger) can be found below:

As part of our non-profit mission, Mozilla believes that web literacy—the understanding of how digital things work—is an essential life skill for the 21st century. We want to empower users of the web to become makers of the web.

So we’re kicking-off a free online course called Teach the Web: a Mozilla Open Online Collaboration, where we’ll explore new ways of teaching digital literacies through making and learning together.

The #teachtheweb course will run from May 2 – June 30. You can participate in weekly guided discussions, tackle hands-on activities, develop and remix teaching resources, and compare notes with a global community of makers, mentors and educators.

Find more details or sign up and get started at

Participants will learn how to:

  • teach digital literacies through making, remixing and sharing
  • incorporate openness and online innovation into teaching practices
  • adapt educational resources to meet your learners’ interests and needs
  • receive feedback from peers on your own resources and lessons

We hope you’ll join us!

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out via Twitter @mozteach or the G+ Webmaker community at

Be sure to sign up and I look forward to learning together!

Weeknote 15/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Creating two new grids for Mozilla’s Web Literacy standard work with the community. The first one’s here and the second (updated) one is still just on Flickr at the moment.
  • Planning my PELeCON keynote presentation. You have no idea how long it takes to collate, choose and organise animated GIFs.
  • Hosting the weekly Web Literacy standard community call. You can catch up here.
  • Catching up with people like Laura Hilliger, Tim RichesLucy Neale and StJohn Smith.
  • Editing the Wikipedia article for Open Badges. Only a bit, though. Must revisit.
  • Moderating a Connected Learning TV webinar featuring Liz Lawley and her work around a ‘gaming layer’ for students and academics.
  • Travelling to Plymouth by train, plane and automobile (literally) for PELeCON.
  • Attending, keynoting and running a workshop at PELeCON. The animated GIFs from my keynote aren’t so animated on Slideshare, so you may want to try this Evernote notebook. Photos are here (when they’ve finished uploading)

Next week I’m in Sweden keynoting and running a workshop at the Swedish equivalent of BETT. Better get planning…

Weeknote 14/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Spending time at home – a whole week without an event or a conference to go to!
  • Resting as Monday was a public holiday and I’d spent Friday and Saturday working.
  • Catching up with my colleague Laura Hilliger for the first time in a while.
  • Hosting an Open Badges in K12/schools community call featuring James Michie and Zoe Ross.
  • Feeding back on the Webmaker call about the workshop I ran at Nesta’s One Day Digital event in Edinburgh at the weekend.
  • Listening, reading and generally catching up with last week’s Web Literacy standard stuff. I wrote a modest proposal.
  • Writing a post about Open Badges and the Web Literacy standard which should hopefully appear on DMLcentral soon!
  • Turning down trips to Seville and Brussels because (unfortunately) they didn’t fit in well with my schedule.
  • Working out my expenses for March. <yawn>
  • Talking with my new colleague Mari Huertas.
  • Interviewed by Faiz Abdelhafid as part of his MA programme.
  • Conversing with organisations like the Open University and JobScout as well as people like Simon Gough and Guy Shearer about Open Badges in their particular context.
  • Writing a proposal with my colleague Emily Goligoski on Open Badges for the Libre Software Meeting.
  • Composing a blog post about how to align with the Web Literacy standard using Open Badges.
  • Planning a new ‘napkin sketch’ for the Web Literacy standard (like the Open Badges one) with my colleague Chris Appleton.
  • Hosting this week’s Web Literacy standard community call. Listen again here. Note we’re moving to Mondays from next week!
  • Collating a whole load of animated gifs kindly submitted by my MoFo colleagues for my PELeCON keynote. Have a look here!
  • Creating a NEW new grid for the Web Literacy standard based on community feedback.