Weeknote 14/2013
This week I’ve been:
- Spending time at home – a whole week without an event or a conference to go to!
- Resting as Monday was a public holiday and I’d spent Friday and Saturday working.
- Catching up with my colleague Laura Hilliger for the first time in a while.
- Hosting an Open Badges in K12/schools community call featuring James Michie and Zoe Ross.
- Feeding back on the Webmaker call about the workshop I ran at Nesta’s One Day Digital event in Edinburgh at the weekend.
- Listening, reading and generally catching up with last week’s Web Literacy standard stuff. I wrote a modest proposal.
- Writing a post about Open Badges and the Web Literacy standard which should hopefully appear on DMLcentral soon!
- Turning down trips to Seville and Brussels because (unfortunately) they didn’t fit in well with my schedule.
- Working out my expenses for March. <yawn>
- Talking with my new colleague Mari Huertas.
- Interviewed by Faiz Abdelhafid as part of his MA programme.
- Conversing with organisations like the Open University and JobScout as well as people like Simon Gough and Guy Shearer about Open Badges in their particular context.
- Writing a proposal with my colleague Emily Goligoski on Open Badges for the Libre Software Meeting.
- Composing a blog post about how to align with the Web Literacy standard using Open Badges.
- Planning a new ‘napkin sketch’ for the Web Literacy standard (like the Open Badges one) with my colleague Chris Appleton.
- Hosting this week’s Web Literacy standard community call. Listen again here. Note we’re moving to Mondays from next week!
- Collating a whole load of animated gifs kindly submitted by my MoFo colleagues for my PELeCON keynote. Have a look here!
- Creating a NEW new grid for the Web Literacy standard based on community feedback.