Open Thinkering


Tag: infographic

Blog post popularity as a treemap [infographic]

One of the best way to learn new things is through imitation.

  • Learning to play an instrument? Copy what your teacher does!
  • Learning to paint? Try painting in the style of a famous artist.
  • Learning to dance? Watch some videos on YouTube and attempt to replicate it in the comfort of your home.

That’s why, as I’m trying to become better at infographics, I really appreciate Nathan Yau’s guides over at Recently he had a great guide on how to create a ‘treemap’. I used slightly different variables (blog title, category, visitor time per post) and ended up with the following:

It was a fairly straightforward process:

  1. Export CSV from Google Analytics
  2. Select and tidy up data
  3. Fire up R and follow Nathan’s guide
  4. Tidy up in graphics program

***BONUS*** I knew this reminded me of something! Check out JDiskReport to visualize what’s on your hard drive in treemap format! 😀

My visual resumé [infographic]

Inspired by the wonderful infographic-style resumés of graphic designers on display at FastCompany and Cool Infographics, I decided to have a go at my own. For best results, click through to view it full-size! :-p

Doug Belshaw's visual resumé

Before you ask, I used Keynote, part of iWork 09. It’s a wonderful drawing package! 😀
