Open Thinkering


Tag: Google Reader

Recommend me 3

Just before Christmas I suffered from blogging burn-out. Having our first son in January last year knocked me for six and the consequences became apparent towards the end of the year. So I made a bit of a dramatic decision (at least for me).

I unsubscribed from every blog I subscribed to via Google Reader.

Now I’m suffering from information under-load (if there’s such a term). I feel a bit disconnected in terms of my main areas of interest: education, technology, productivity. So, reader, I need your help! Which blogs would you recommend in these areas? Are there any that you don’t miss a single post from? Check out my Trends provided courtesy of Google Reader below:

Trends in Google Reader for Doug Belshaw

Once upon a time I’d read 1,000 items in a day, never mind a month. Of course, I want quality over quantity.

I’ve shown you mine – care to show me yours? 😀

Google Phone


So it turns out that the rumours are probably true and that Google are making a mobile operating system to power mobile phones. No big surprises there – I already use their GMail and Google Maps application on my Nokia N95, whilst catching up with my RSS feed reading through the (mobile) web-based version of Google Reader. I’m pleased to see that the probable manufacturer for such a device would be HTC, maker of the SPV range of mobile phones that go under the Orange brand in the UK. Continue reading “Google Phone”

Picasa Web Albums vs. Flickr

I’ve just noticed that in the top left-hand corner of my Gmail account there’s a link to ‘photos’:

Google photos

Whilst this is just an easier way to access something that was already available – namely Picasa Web Albums – it does mean that take-up is likely to explode. Much, in fact, in the same way that Google Reader has amongst RSS readers.

I don’t think this is a Flickr-killer. For one, you have to use an installed program (Picasa) to upload pictures. For another, it’s really aimed at people who want to share pictures with family and friends, not everyone.

Still, the 1GB of online storage and ease of accessibility and sharing are certainly welcome. I’ll be encouraging my family to use it in future!
