Open Thinkering


Tag: Flickr

My iPad Mini apps (October 2013)

This morning I went through the apps I had installed on my iPad Mini. I realised I don’t use most of them and so carefully pared them down to fit on one screen. No horizontal scrolling for me!

I’ve uploaded the screenshot to Flickr and added notes with some detail of how I use each app. I’d be interested if you did the same – whatever device you use!

Click here to see the notes

My iPhone apps (April 2013)

Some people are surprised that I use an iPhone 4. It’s true that I’ve tried a Nokia N9 and several Android devices but (at the moment, until something better comes along) you’ll prise my closed proprietary device out of my cold, dead hands. Why? I can trust it to work as expected when I’m travelling. And that’s important.

It’s been a while since I shared the iPhone apps that I use, so I thought it was time for an update. I’m going to use Flickr notes to do this, so to get started click here or on the image below:

iPhone apps (April 2013)

Which apps do you recommend? Why?

Project Reclaim: experimenting with

As part of my ongoing Project Reclaim, and spurred on by D’Arcy Norman’s recent post on abandoning Flickr, I’ve been playing with

In a similar way to the idea behind Unhosted, you bring your own data (i.e. photos) and the application does something with it (i.e. display them nicely, allow you to share them easily). I’m using Dropbox, but you can use Amazon S3, and more.

I like I’ve uploaded two sets, one public and one private. The private one is of my children and shared only with family. The public one is of some photos I took down at Druridge Bay yesterday.

Where do you store your photos? Why?
