I’m keynoting the Irish Learning Technology Association’s (ILTA) annual conference (#EdTech12) today and for the first time have created my slides using web-native HTML5 and CSS3.
Click here or on the image above to access them!
A few weeks ago Lisa Phillips, a Masters student at the University of Oxford, asked for my help in scoping ‘rebellious approaches to educational technology’. I found the questions she asked so provocative and appealing I invited readers of this blog to complete her brief questionnaire.
Lisa followed up that questionnaire by interviewing me yesterday. With her permission, I recorded the conversation and have made it available below (it’s also here).
This study is an exploration of how innovation is defined within the educational technology field: what values and conceptions are ascribed to innovation, how and why programs and ideas get named as innovative, and whether or how we form a shared definition of innovation.
It’s quite long, but I’d love to hear any feedback!
(note that my views aren’t those of JISC, etc.)
Click image to enlarge!
I’ve been thinking about web literacy (or web literacies) on and off since I posted a diagram version of Michelle Levesque’s helpful first efforts.
The post-it note arrangement above is the result of a burst of creativity following a migraine earlier. The structure was prompted by some things mentioned by Helen Beetham at a couple of JISC events earlier this week.
I’d love some feedback!