Open Thinkering


Month: February 2010

Wednesday Wisdom #8: Excellence needs some polish

Another quotation I love is purportedly by Oliver Cromwell, once Lord Protector of England (in fact the only one we’ve ever had). He said:

He who stops being better stops being good.

I think these two quotations complement one another. 🙂

You can purchase an inexpensive copy of The Art of Worldly Wisdom book from Amazon or read it online for free via Google Books. The whole set of Wednesday Wisdom images can be found in my Creative Commons-licensed Flickr set.

Alternatives to Google

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a bit uneasy about Google’s de facto monopoly on, well, pretty much everything I do online. Yes, they provide everything for free, yes they’re offerings are class-leading, and yes they support Open Source. But that doesn’t make me feel any less worried about the control they have over my life online. 😮

Recently I read How To: Escape From Google’s Clutches, Once and For All which is a great (if slightly paranoid) look at how you can shift your online life to other services.

Here’s what I’m considering:


Advantages: Ultra-secure, out of Google’s clutches
Disadvantages: Paid-for ($49.98/year for 10GB), less features



Advantages: Searches Google, Yahoo!, Bing and Ask from one box
Disadvantages: Still not completely rid of Google, no ‘product search’, integration with maps, etc.


Online office

Advantages: More features (e.g. Zoho Planner)
Disadvantages: Familiarity, integration with email


Web Browser

Advantages: Fast, visual tabs, Bittorrent and file-sharing built-in
Disadvantages: Fewer extensions/add-ons, less widely-supported


What do YOU think? Am I being paranoid? What would you consider switching to? What do you currently use?

(Image taken from Presumed fair use)

#getthatjob: my guide to applying for teaching-related jobs

#getthatjob is now FREE!

It’s the time of year when people are applying for teaching-related jobs. I decided to write this 40-page ebook as I’m being asked more and more for advice, tips and guidance about the whole process involved. To be fair to everyone, and to make sure my advice is consistent I’ve written it all down in one place.

It’s 40 pages and costs £4 is FREE! No OpenBeta iterations. It is what it is. Preview and purchase Find #getthatjob at the link below! 😀

(image CC BY Kain Kalju)
