Open Thinkering


Tag: quotation

What day is it? What date?

Unable to get back to sleep, I got up and continued reading Wintering this morning:

Then, we enter that strange period between Christmas and New Year, when time seems to muddle, and we keep finding ourselves asking, ‘What day is it? What date?’ I always mean to work on these days, or at least to write, but this year, like every other, I find myself unable to gather to the necessary intent. I used to think that these were wasted days, but now I realise that’s the point. I am doing nothing very much, not even actively on holiday… I go for cold walks that make my ears ache. I am not being lazy; I’m not slacking; I’m just letting my attention shift for a while, away from the direct ambitions of the rest of my year. It’s like revving my engines.

Katherine May, Wintering, p.149

The book was a gift from my friend Eylan, an unexpected but very welcome source of joy during this yuletide period.

This post is Day 78 of my #100DaysToOffload challenge. Want to get involved? Find out more at

Wednesday Wisdom #38: Foundations

Wednesday Wisdom #38: Foundations

Over the last few weeks I’ve been helping City & Guilds work on a ‘direction of travel’ for Open Badges. I’m going to spend the next week or so digging into some of the details to focus on over the next six months.

Stumbling across the above quotation, therefore, was rather serendipitous! It serves as an introduction to Chapter 2 of Vagabonding: An Uncommon Guide to the Art of Long-Term World Travel.

The whole set of Wednesday Wisdom images can be found in my Creative Commons-licensed Flickr set.

Image CC BY-NC Tom Blackwell

Wednesday Wisdom #37: Confluence

Wednesday Wisdom #37: Confluence

Today I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting Uri Gonda, who showed me around the Wayra UK startup accelerator. During coffee afterwards he imparted a lot of wisdom, some of which I wrote down.

This particular quotation really struck me as he talked about the conditions required for startups to thrive. It reminded me of the ‘slow hunch’ Steven Johnson talks about in this RSA Animates video.

The whole set of Wednesday Wisdom images can be found in my Creative Commons-licensed Flickr set.

Image CC BY-NC mgaloseau
