Open Thinkering


Month: February 2007

The BBC are Twittering


You may have noticed that next to the title of this blog there’s a little section where it tells you what I’m currently doing. This is powered by Twitter, a site which exists to answer the question ‘What are you doing?’. You can update your account as often as you wish by going to, texting a phone number, or sending a message via your IM account (MSN Messenger, AIM, GTalk, etc.) Continue reading “The BBC are Twittering”

Sidekiq: all your search belong to us

Sidekiq logo

(it’s quicker or more quickly you illiterate bunch!)

I love it when I come across something which changes the way that I do things that I do regularly online. For example, popurls – probably the most up-to-date site on the Internet – is now my home page, and I often direct my students to Clusty instead of Google due to its enhanced features.

I’ve just been reading the excellent Flux blog by the good people at Futurelab and in particular the post entitled What a great time to be alive!! by Tim Rylands. In it, he links to many great things, but in particular Sidekiq – a search engine on steroids:


Unfortunately, I can see this site being blocked in many schools/authorities as it lets users search for music, videos, etc. That would be a shame as it really is a one-stop-shop for pretty much anything you could possibly want. More digitally-literate students would have a field day, and less digitally-literate students could have all their results in one place!

Finally, and this is the killer feature for me, it integrates nicely into the Firefox search bar with one click. That’s it – Sidekiq is officially my search destination of choice…

Macbook woes

Steve Jobs - thumb down

I’m having MAJOR problems with my Macbook at the moment. It’s on its third ‘logic board’ at the moment and has just died again. I’ve just spent c.45 mins with AppleCare trying to resolve the issue and have told them I want a refund. They’re going to contact the Apple Store in Meadowhall, Sheffield, to see if they’ll do just that. Continue reading “Macbook woes”
