Open Thinkering


Tag: readers

Competition: win a Macvatar Macbook skin!

Can you spot the difference in the picture to the left? Yep, that’s my Macbook at the bottom, Hannah (my wife)’s Macbook in the middle, and a Macvatar Macbook skin all by its lonesome at the top. I’m absolutely delighted with the resulting look from the skin I chose from their website. The quality of the vinyl material used is excellent, and you can remove and re-apply it easily. The speed of delivery was nothing short of fantastic (4 working days from US to UK!)

Macvatar were either very kind or mis-counted when they sent my chosen skin. Yep, they sent two. I could sell the second on eBay, but I’m not going to: I’m giving it away! To get your hands on that second skin I’ve got spare, simply do the following:

  1. Tell me (in the comments to this post) why you need the skin so much. This could be because of scratches or other damage to your once-shiny Macbook, because you have 2 or more Macbooks in your household/school, or some other creative reason! 😀
  2. Attach, or link to, a picture backing up your entry. This, again, can be as creative as you’d like. Try for free image hosting if you need it…
  3. Wait in anticipation until Sunday 27 April 2008 when the winner shall be announced!

Around 450 people subscribe to the RSS feed of this blog. I reckon that means that about 1000 people read it regularly. Of those, probably 20% have Macs, and of those, probably about a quarter have Macbooks. That means 5% of 1000 = 50 people. Of those, only about a fifth will no doubt enter….

So, if you enter you’ve probably got a 1 in 10 chance of winning! 🙂
