Open Thinkering


Tag: podcast

EdTechRoundup needs your help with Google Apps UK!

Google Apps

EdTechRoundup, the fledgling educational technology podcast show with which I’m involved wants YOUR help! We’re going to be interviewing the Google Apps team in the UK soon.

If you could ask the Google Apps UK team anything, what would it be?

Responses either in the comments section below, or on the ETR wiki here please! 🙂

EdTechRoundup podcasts are go!

EdTechRoundup logoAround late October 2007 I called, via Twitter and this blog post, for UK-based educators interested in putting together an educational technology-related podcast to come forward. And they came! This post it to announce the inaugural podcast of the EdTechRoundup network. 😀

Continue reading “EdTechRoundup podcasts are go!”

21st Century Skills: not just about ICT

Many educators who I talk to seem to be of the opinion that the only way the world is changing is that more ‘technology’ is being used. And that is usually conceived of as a passing fad, a bad thing, or something which will be forced upon them.

Computer chip?

However, I believe that the use of ICTs is actually just a subset of a wider change that is happening at the beginning of the 21st century. Knowledge, or at least our conception of it, or at least the conception of it by people that have influence, is changing. It is no longer something that resides in the heads of the great and the good, but something that is distributive. Knowledge, to use a metaphor, is not the nodes on the network, but the connections between those nodes. Wisdom comes through having a meta-view of the network and understanding how the nodes can and do interact.

A podcast to follow up on: Podcast 39 – The Vocabulary of 21st Century Learning by Wes Fryer
