Open Thinkering


Tag: football

TB871: Personality and causal responsibility

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

Ollie Watkins celebrates after scoring for England against the Netherlands.

As a long-suffering fan of Sunderland AFC and the England football teams, I’ve found myself experiencing both highs and lows on the rollercoaster journey of failure (more failure) and success. After the recent EURO football tournament, in which England were beaten by Spain in the final, manager Gareth Southgate resigned. But I want to reflect on the match before that, when Southgate made two crucial substitutions in the semi-final against the Netherlands. His decisions during the tournament sparked a lot of debate, and so I think it’s a good case study for understanding different perspectives on causality and success.

In the last few minutes of the semi-final, Southgate made a bold move by substituting onto the pitch Cole Palmer and Ollie Watkins. With the clock ticking down, Palmer, known for his creativity, passed to the pacey Watkins, who scored the decisive goal in the 90th minute. This meant England got into the final, in keeping with Southgate’s impressive record as manager. This is despite the criticism he has faced for his conservative approach and ‘delayed’ substitutions. At that point, the substitutions were seen as tactically brilliant.

Initially, it’s tempting to attribute the triumph solely to Southgate’s strategic ability. His timely decision to introduce fresh legs appeared to be the masterstroke that clinched the match. This view aligns with the analytical reasoning style, which focuses on individual actions and their immediate outcomes.

However, reflecting on the match from a broader perspective reveals a more complex picture. The success wasn’t merely a result of Southgate’s substitutions but also a culmination of several contextual factors. The team’s rigorous training sessions, designed to maintain peak physical condition and mental resilience, played a significant role. Additionally, the supportive environment created by the coaching staff and the sports psychologists helped boost the players’ morale and readiness. This was something that took years to build.

Former England internationals have commented on the squad’s togetherness under Southgate’s management. In the past, players from different club teams often kept to themselves, rarely mixing off the pitch, and this lack of unity was seen as a hindrance to the team’s success. Under Southgate, however, there has been a noticeable shift towards a more cohesive and supportive environment. Players now form strong bonds regardless of their club affiliations, leading to a spirit of unity and collective effort.

In addition, Southgate’s approach to substitutions has actually been particularly effective. Instead of viewing substitutions as a sign of being ‘snubbed’, players now understand their defined roles and how they contribute to the overall strategy. This clear communication and role definition have ensured that substitutes are ready to make impactful contributions when called upon, as shown by Palmer and Watkins’ game-changing involvement.

It’s also important to note that the Dutch defence was visibly fatigued in the closing stages, providing an opportune moment for Palmer and Watkins to exploit. The combined efforts of the entire team, the strategic preparation, and the circumstantial advantage of facing a worn-out opposition were all crucial elements in securing the win.

As a result, reviewing this episode through a contextual lens enhances my appreciation of the multifaceted nature of football success. It highlights that while individual brilliance, such as Southgate’s tactical decisions, can be significant, it is often supported by a web of contributing factors. Recognising this interconnectedness offers a richer understanding of how victories are achieved.

It’s also worth noting Southgate’s journey from player to manager. As a former defender, he famously missed a penalty in the semi-final of Euro 96 against Germany, a moment that saw England exit the tournament on home soil. This personal history of highs and lows on the pitch undoubtedly shapes his approach to management, instilling in him a resilience and a deep understanding of the pressures faced by his players. He wants success, but he’s willing to take criticism to achieve it.

For a football fan, this exercise in shifting perspectives is both challenging and enlightening. It reminds us that the beautiful game is not just about star players and headline-making decisions but also about the unseen efforts and collective spirit that drive a team forward. By appreciating the broader context, we can gain deeper insights into the game we love and the many elements that contribute to those unforgettable moments on the pitch.

Weeknote 23/2024

A tight-knit circle of football players' arms reaching in, each with a red 'PLAYER' wristband, symbolizing team unity at a tournament.

I’ve left writing this to Sunday afternoon so that I could report on two things I hoped would happen around the same time… and I was correct! I’ve just hit submit on my latest MSc assignment, and my daughter’s football team, have met with success Barcelona Girls Cup. They finished third, which is an incredible achievement as most of them were playing a year up against teams coming from all over Europe. Their striker even won the golden boot! So proud of them.

I’ve been at home with my son. We could have gone with my wife and daughter, but at the time of booking we weren’t sure about his exam dates, so we’ve been involved in the excitement vicariously through photos and videos! We’ve had a remarkably chill time for the few days that they’ve been away and have had my parents over. In fact, weirdly, I think the experience has made the house we moved to a few weeks ago feel more like home.

Work-wise, I’ve been working on the DCC project, having some interesting conversations, and doing some business development. Things are so quiet that I’ve resorted to applying to jobs, and have an interview for a couple of interesting ones in the coming weeks. Neither would give me the freedom I’m used to, though. We’ll see.

I posted a bunch of things relating to my MSc studies, as well on Thought Shrapnel. Over on the WAO blog we published A Compendium of Credentialing, which is a curated list of posts we’ve written around Open Badges, Verifiable Credentials, and Open Recognition.

Next week, my wife and daughter will be back home, and I’ll be taking the latter to trials for Newcastle Emerging Talent Centre and East Northumberland. Given that she received the Outstanding Player of the Season award for the latter last season, I think she’s probably already in the squad 😉

Photo of my daughter’s team

Weeknote 20/2022

It’s been a good week. And I say that despite composing this lying in bed feeling a bit rough with a sore throat and feeling a bit run-down. It’ll pass.

The football team I support, Sunderland, who have been languishing in the third tier of English football for the last few seasons, were promoted via the playoffs yesterday to the Championship. I’m considering a season ticket.

On Thursday, I participated in an online panel session about the Open Skills Network and Open Recognition. The recording can be found here (backup). I used an image from Bryan Mathers as to explain the difference between credentialing and recognition. It’s also featured in this related blog post and I’ve included it below.

Person holding trophy (credential) being lifted on shoulders by two team-mates (recognition)
CC BY-ND Bryan Mathers

This was particularly apt this week, not only because of Sunderland’s exploits, but because my son won most improved player of the season at his team’s presentation evening last night. To me, this is fantastic recognition of the work he’s put in, both stepping up two leagues and coming back from injury. I’m proud of him.

I’ve been doing the usual client work this week, plus some additional business development and chats over virtual coffee. It was the second week of the Sociocracy facilitators course I’m doing, and I spent Thursday at the Thinking Digital conference. I didn’t have as good a time there as usual, and wrote this to help process why.

Last week, I managed to buy a PlayStation 5. It’s now a full 18 months after the console originally came out, but the pandemic and supply chain issues have made them difficult to obtain. I had to select a bundle deal that I wouldn’t necessarily have chosen… but, hey, it’s here! I’m impressed; it’s so fast and I finally get 4K graphics on the big screen in my office! We’re keeping the PS4 as well.

Exercise-wise, I’ve been in a good routine of three gym sessions, two runs, one swim, and one yoga session per week… until Friday. I got out of the pool halfway through as I was exhausted. It turns out I was coming down with something, and so have just been in recovery mode over the weekend.

We’re off out for Sunday dinner this afternoon despite three of us feeling sub-par. Then it’s the excitement of the final Premier League games of the season. Gaming tonight with the Sunday Surfers crew. So today should be a good one, if I keep myself dosed-up on ibuprofen!

Next week, we’ve got our monthly co-op day, and then I feel like Laura and I will probably get into our stride a bit more after we’ve both had some time off. I don’t have any more travel booked now until The Badge Summit in early August.
