Open Thinkering


Month: September 2010

Your anti-ebook rhetoric is like a broken record.

To be honest, I’m not particularly bothered whether you, on a personal level, decide that you don’t like ebooks and you prefer dead trees.

That’s fine.

actively prefer the former over the latter, so I do mind your Luddite-style arguments attempting to castigate others whilst appealing to some kind of external, objective value. If you’re in a position of influence within an organization, then your reactionary stance on ebooks makes you a barrier.

These are the 3 types arguments I hear most often:

1. I like sharing books

That’s great! Good for you. My liking ebooks obviously makes me A Bad Person.

2. There’s just something about…

…the smell, the cracking of the spine, etc. Erm, that’s a fetish.

3. Ebooks strain my eyes

I completely take onboard your point about reading anything of any length on a backlit screen. But that argument just doesn’t stand up with e-ink screens as featured on the Amazon Kindle.

Got a different anti-ebook argument? I’d love to hear it in the comments below!

***Update*** Many thanks to ‘atw’ in the comments below who adds a fourth argument I hear often:

I like paper books because I can stick them in my purse and they never run out of batteries!

Things I Learned This Week – #36

Offline this week I learned the proper way to put up and take down a tent (more trial and error and observing others than anything else), that 3 year olds, Talking Carl and public spaces don’t mix, and not to take my iPhone or my contact lens case to the beach (will I ever learn?!) :-p
Continue reading “Things I Learned This Week – #36”

Weeknote #17

This week I have been mostly…

Recovering from a migraine

I know that my migraines are caused by stress, atmospheric pressure, dehydration, blood sugar and (chiefly) the food colouring Annatto. A combination of these factors, especially when it’s overcast, precipitates a migraine for me. I had one on Tuesday evening so had to take Wednesday off work to recover. Horrible.

Working on my Ed.D. thesis

I wrote 5,000 words of the Pragmatic methodology section of my Ed.D. thesis on Bank Holiday Monday. I’m using Scrivener now, so changes aren’t reflected at (yet!)

Finishing #uppingyourgame

I’ve been working on a productivity-focused ebook called #uppingyourgame since the start of the year, using the OpenBeta method I devised. It’s now finished and has been sent to the 49 people who bought into the book whilst it was being written.

Everyone else will be able to purchase it from October 1st when feedback has been received and preparations made!