Open Thinkering


Month: March 2007

WordPress Plugin Repository v2

Wordpress plugin repository

The repository of plugins available for WordPress, the software which runs this and – let’s face it, most – other blogs on the Internet, has been upgraded. It’s now a lot easier to find what you’re looking for and less a hit-and-miss affair.

Although does not use a lot of plugins (the idea is to keep it minimal and fast-loading), there is a page of plugins used over at that lists ones that educators may find useful! 🙂

Jersey job and the return of the Mac


So I didn’t get the Head of History position at the school on Jersey. But hey, I learned some lessons:

  • Experience is more important to schools than talent and having a vision.
  • Don’t say in interviews that you get angry (or even frustrated).
  • Independent selective schools have little idea about comprehensive education.

Oh, and I’m selling that cheap laptop (even though it was pretty good) and am back on the Macbook (core 2 duo). I’ve also bought myself a proper iPod… Continue reading “Jersey job and the return of the Mac”

Picasa Web Albums vs. Flickr

I’ve just noticed that in the top left-hand corner of my Gmail account there’s a link to ‘photos’:

Google photos

Whilst this is just an easier way to access something that was already available – namely Picasa Web Albums – it does mean that take-up is likely to explode. Much, in fact, in the same way that Google Reader has amongst RSS readers.

I don’t think this is a Flickr-killer. For one, you have to use an installed program (Picasa) to upload pictures. For another, it’s really aimed at people who want to share pictures with family and friends, not everyone.

Still, the 1GB of online storage and ease of accessibility and sharing are certainly welcome. I’ll be encouraging my family to use it in future!
