Open Thinkering


Tag: weeknote

Weeknote 03/2024

A line of e-karts, charging, next to the racetrack

This week, I listened to a fantastic episode of Adam Grant’s WorkLife podcast featuring Lisa Feldman Barrett. I immediately shared it with several people, and even got my kids to listen to it. The reason I’m sharing it right at the top of this post, other than as an encouragement for you to listen to it, is because it directly relates to my understanding of this week. Both the notions of ’emotional granularity’ and telling yourself “it’s all just electrical signals in my brain” are incredibly useful concepts to have up your sleeve. Resilience is as much self-care and strategies as it is grit and determination.

The image at the top of this post is from Tuesday night, when I took our two teenagers to go e-karting thanks to my sister’s Christmas present. They had a great time, to the extent that my son would like to go to celebrate his birthday, which is next week. It fits with the driving theme, of course, because when you turn 17 in the UK, you’re allowed to learn to drive cars on public road. His birthday present this year? Two magnetic L-plates, driving lessons, and the oh-so-expensive insurance.

I’ve done a fair amount of MSc work this week. Almost as much, in fact, as the amount of paid work that I’ve done. I’m not sure whether that says more about the amount of business development we need to do, or how interesting I’m finding my studies. Probably both. I published the following MSc-related posts this week:

If you take a look at the category archive for my MSc, you’ll see that I’ve written 42 posts already, most of which probably weigh in at more than 1,000 words. So it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that I’ve probably written ~50,000 words over and above my assessment so far for this module!

The conference proceedings for ePIC 2023 are now online. I attended this in Vienna at the start of December and enjoyed my time there, doing a (very) short talk and chairing a panel. My colleague Anne, who couldn’t present due to Covid, recorded her presentation on Open Recognition — A feminist practice for more equal workplaces.

Laura published a post which I helped with this week relating to the mental models and metaphors with which we’re trying to help the Digital Credentials Consortium. I created the image stacking mental models, metaphors, and symbolism, which I’m pretty happy with. It’s all about, as Bryan Mathers often says, ‘cognitive ease’.

I had a chat with Ivan about running workshops to help with the adoption of Bonfire in settings related to Open Science and Open Pedagogy. He’s got an upcoming session with students at UCL which I helped him plan. I also talked with Andrea Niosi, who I met at ePIC, and who wanted to talk about implementing the ideas in my posts around using Open Recognition to map real-world skills and attributes. She’s still looking for a budget for this, and I’m still searching for someone to help me built out a proof-of-concept.

WAO submitted a proposal responding to an invitation to tender from NCS around journey mapping young people’s experiences. We don’t usually respond to this kind of thing as it’s a massive time-suck, but we were asked to do so and had a really productive meeting with a couple of people at NCS. We’ll see. It would be great to get involved.

We also had a co-op half-day this week where we did a bunch of things including talking about events we might want to go to, inventing more budget calculators, and outlining some workshops we might want to offer. More on the latter soon, hopefully. Laura and I recorded an impromptu podcast episode as a potential first offering for Season 9 of The Tao of WAO. It’s a bit of a ramble chat about all kinds of things, somewhat in the vein of how Dai and I used to record TIDE.

Other than that, I’ve spent a lot of this week trying not to be cold (it’s been bitter outside), doing exercise, taking people places (many sporting practice/fixtures), and finishing the DLCs for Sniper Elite 3 on my Steamdeck. I’m also playing Sniper Elite 5 on my PS5 —when I can get on it.

Next week, as I’ve already said, it’s my son’s birthday. We should have some sort of clarity about buying a house; I would love to say we’ve had an offer accepted in my next weeknote. Other than that, I guess I better get my gameface on and get started on my second Tutor Marked Assessment (TMA02) for my MSc. Oh, and some business development…

Weeknote 02/2024

We lack the sense of our own visibility, as we lack that of distances, imagining as quite close to us the interested attention of people who on the contrary never give us a thought, and not suspecting that we are at the same moment the sole preoccupation of others.

Marcel Proust
An abstract image featuring red, blue, and black suggesting liquid in motion.

I have almost never planned to be awake at 01:45. I’m a morning person, but not this early in the morning. I’m the kind of morning person that requires a good night’s sleep and a routine. I’ve always been this way, so being up at this time does not signify good things. I’m either coming down with something or I’ve consumed something that doesn’t agree with me.

This week has involved returning to work, our daughter’s 13th birthday, and us putting in an offer on a house. I spent time working on my MSc, including attending a tutorial. I showed up to a Future Trends Forum featuring the dream team of Bryan Alexander and Helen Beetham, had a virtual coffee with a couple of people, got back into client work, and collaborated on a response to an Invitation to Tender (ITT) that we probably won’t win.

Strava tells me I’m currently ahead of my goal to run 1,000km in 2024. I celebrated by purchasing more running shoes that I don’t need, which are now in a queue behind the last ones I bought which are still in a box. What is it with men over forty and footwear? It’s a thing. I also went to the gym and lifted weights and told teenage boys to stop dicking around and spot each other properly.

I had planned to move Thought Shrapnel to, but that didn’t go to plan. So I’m a little in limbo as I see other former Substack users primarily moving to Ghost. Perhaps I’ll do likewise, but with everything else going on, and the fact that doing so without the concierge migration service sounds… involved, I’m doing my best emu impression and putting my head in the sand.

Next week we’ll ramp up the client work a bit. We’ve got some spare capacity, but winning the ITT would take all of that. So we’ll see. Right now, as the clock ticks past 02:00, I just want to publish this and get back to sleep. Let’s see if that’s going to happen 😴

Image: Pawel Czerwinski

Weeknote 01/2024

Photo of older teenagers in a football training session under floodlights on an artificial grass surface.

I’m back to work today and just realised that I didn’t publish a weeknote over the weekend, as I usually would. So this is just a short post for the sake of completeness.

Last week, I did the following:

  • Worked on my MSc and published a number of posts that you can find in this category of my blog.
  • Returned to running after having a bit of a cold and deciding to take it easy at the end of last year. (I’m aiming for 1000km this year, which means doing a 5km, 7.5km, and 10km run each week)
  • Took down the Christmas tree and decorations. We recycled the tree at the local council point.
  • Restarted the parental taxi service taking our two youngsters (they hate being called ‘children’) to their sporting fixtures.
  • Watched the Sunderland vs Newcastle derby. The least said about that the better, as we gifted the Geordies three goals.
  • Planning the time off I’m having off in 2024 and what I’m going to do with it. I might not get to finish walking the Pennine Way this year, alongside my MSc modules, work, and moving house(!)
  • Playing a fair amount of Sniper Elite 5. You’ll be pleased to know I killed Hitler.
  • Gave up drinking alcohol for Dry January. That should be reasonably straightforward, but I also tried giving up refined sugar. My body really didn’t like that, and I had three migraines in four days. So I’m back on the sugar train (although moderately).
  • Switched back to MailPoet for Thought Shrapnel. I may still go with Ghost or
  • Watched a few things on Netflix. We don’t have it all the time, we just pick and choose times of the year to get various streaming services. Except football. We have all of the channels for that.

This week, WAO members are deciding whether to respond to an ITT, getting back into existing client work, and thinking about the work we want to do in 2024. It’s also my daughter’s birthday (a milestone celebration!) so that there’s that to prepare for.

Photo showing how I spend a lot of evenings: standing on the side of a football pitch or basketball court watching my kids train. I love it, except when it’s really cold.
