Open Thinkering


Tag: web literacy standard

Weeknote 08/2013

This week I’ve been:

  • Taking PTO (Paid Time Off or ‘holiday’ as we call it over here). I took Monday off work as it was the first day of the half-term holidays. We went to Belsay.
  • Writing the first draft of a vision document for Mozilla’s Web Literacy standard work.
  • Leading an #etmooc session. I blogged about T3S1: Digital Literacies with Dr. Doug Belshaw (#etmooc) and linked to the recording.
  • Responding to comments on my DMLcentral blog post Why We Need a Learning Standard for Web Literacy
  • Advising how to make your blog posts last forever in the wake of Posterous announcing it’s closing down.
  • Planning more activity around the Web Literacy standard work I’m leading for Mozilla
  • Celebrating being granted planning permission for the ‘shoffice’ we’re going to build at the bottom of the garden.
  • Travelling to London for a couple of days’ work (Thursday/Friday).
  • Speaking at the University of West London about Open Badges. The lecture theatre was packed (standing-room only!) with over 90% students. Slides here.
  • Contributing to the repeated Web Literacy standard kick-off online gathering. You can access the recording via the Mozilla wiki page.
  • Posting to the Mozilla Webmaker Google Group.
  • Planning a presentation and creating a video for the SXSWedu session that Kate Stokes (Nesta) and I are running.
  • Booking flights for the next Mozilla All Hands in Toronto (week beginning 20th May)

Next week it’s nose to the grindstone. I’m at home all week spending a couple of days helping judge the Mozilla Game On competition and planning the start of the Web Literacy standard weekly calls. However, as I’m at SXSWedu (Austin, Texas) and then the DML Conference (Chicago) with only a few days inbetween, I need to get planning! Not only do I need to have the whole ‘arc’ in place for the Web Literacy standard work before DML, I also need to start getting ready for my OER13 keynote and the Nesta One Day Digital (Edinburgh) session that are coming up before the end of March. πŸ™‚

Two online gatherings you should be part of (today/tomorrow)

Earlier this week I led an #etmooc session on Digital Literacies. The slides for that are here and the video, audio, chat and etherpad archive can be found here. I’m involved in another couple of online gathering-type things in the new literacies arena this week that may also be of interest.

1. Twitter chat for #etmooc

I’m following up the above Digital Literacies #etmooc session with a Twitter chat at 10am PST / 3pm EST / 8pm GMT tomorrow night (Wednesday 20th February 2013). You don’t really need to do anything apart from follow the #etmooc hashtag and tweet accordingly.

2. Web Literacy standard online gathering

A couple of weeks ago we had a great kick-off online gathering for Mozilla’s upcoming work around a new, open learning standard for Web Literacy. There were many who couldn’t attend so we’re running the session again this Thursday (21st February 2013) atΒ  9am PST / 12pm EST / 5pm GMT.

Further details are at The recording of the previous session, along with some of my thoughts around the subject can be found here.

I’d love to see your name pop up at either or both of these events. Do take part if you can! πŸ™‚

Image CC BY paul_clarke

Recording of my #etmooc session on Digital Literacies now available.

Last night I led (what seemed to be) a well-received session for #etmooc on digital literacies. While you can catch the whole thing again through the Blackboard Collaborate recording, you’ll need Java to do so. That’s why I’ve used the free Publish! tool to create digital artefacts from the session and uploaded them to the Internet Archive.

[archiveorg ETMOOCT3S1DigitalLiteraciesWithDr.DougBelshawChat width=640 height=480]

You should see a video above. If not, click here or try the YouTube version!

Many thanks to all those who took part in the session – and for the kind words in the chat and on Twitter afterwards. I really enjoyed the experience!

Direct links to digital artefacts

Why not (legally) download the whole archive using your favourite bittorrent client? Try uTorrent, for example. πŸ™‚
