Open Thinkering


Tag: Blackboard Collaborate

Recording of my #etmooc session on Digital Literacies now available.

Last night I led (what seemed to be) a well-received session for #etmooc on digital literacies. While you can catch the whole thing again through the Blackboard Collaborate recording, you’ll need Java to do so. That’s why I’ve used the free Publish! tool to create digital artefacts from the session and uploaded them to the Internet Archive.

[archiveorg ETMOOCT3S1DigitalLiteraciesWithDr.DougBelshawChat width=640 height=480]

You should see a video above. If not, click here or try the YouTube version!

Many thanks to all those who took part in the session – and for the kind words in the chat and on Twitter afterwards. I really enjoyed the experience!

Direct links to digital artefacts

Why not (legally) download the whole archive using your favourite bittorrent client? Try uTorrent, for example. 🙂
