Open Thinkering


Tag: JISC Digital Media

How do you define attendance? [JISC Inform article]

How do you define attendance?

I promised recently to make it easier for people to easily find out the multiple places online that I publish my research and writing. Some of those places, however, constitute one-offs: contributions to magazines or books for example.

At the JISC Conference 2011 I presented with JISC Digital Media on Using Digital Media to Improve Teaching and Learning. I made the point that we need to change what we mean by ‘attendance’ (Slideshare deck below – click through if you don’t see it)

Nicola Yeeles from JISC was in the audience that day and subsequently interviewed me in May. It’s finally made it’s way into a very nicely set-out piece in JISC Inform, the online magazine for the Further and Higher Education sectors in the UK. I especially like the way it includes some audio snippets from the interview itself.

Well worth a read (even if I do say so myself!) if you need some ammunition as to why the dynamics of the classroom need to change.

Using Digital Media to Improve Teaching and Learning

I’m presenting with JISC Digital Media today as part of a session at the JISC Conference 2011 entitled Using Digital Media to Improve Teaching and Learning. My part of our presentation is below:

It’s my job to provide the introductory landscape and overview so I decided to get a little bit philosophical about what we mean by ‘attendance’. What I’m trying to get across is that following old ways of doing things when using new technologies such as digital media doesn’t change anything (think: lecture capture). We need to reconceptualise and refocus on what it is we’re trying to achieve. Hopefully, this should provide a platform for Zak Mensah to go on to talk about the importance of focusing on workflows rather than the shiny-shiny.
