A proposal to get more high-quality explanatory videos to learners.
Image BY-NC-SA Kaeru @ Flickr
I’ve got an idea. Educators need high-quality videos explaining key concepts and processes. There are some great providers of these out there (notably BrainPOP) but these cost $$$. On the flip side, there’s graphic artists, illustrators and animators who are starting out and need examples to add to their portfolio.
The quality of visuals in a video makes a great deal of difference to its overall impact. An example of this is the Shift Happens video, originally created by Karl Fisch. You can view the changes and improvements it has been through on this wiki. Whilst v1.0 was powerful, you’d have to agree that v4.0 has a lot more impact! 🙂
My idea, then, is this:
- Educator comes up with idea for short explanatory video (e.g. how Google and other search engines work)
- Educator (with help of their Twitter/Facebook/whatever network) comes up with storyboard for idea including a script.*
- Storyboard and script are put in a central repository under a Creative Commons BY-SA license.
- Graphic designer comes along and chooses one they believe they can produce to a high quality and cost-effectively.
- Graphic designer produces video and shares on video-sharing site (e.g. YouTube). They are free to monetize this through Google Adsense and the like.
- Repository updated showing video has been created.
The great thing about this model is that everyone would win.
So… is this a good idea?
I’m up for creating the repository (with help from others) if enough people think it’s a goer. 😀
* Details of graphics required for this wouldn’t be as important as the script itself.