Open Thinkering


TB871: Block 4 Tools stream references

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

This is another quick post to share the books, articles, and other material referenced in the Block 4 Tools stream that I might want to come back and explore at some point in the future (Open University, 2020).

If you’re following along, you may notice that I wrote a lot more about the VSM than SODA in this part of the module. This is because I’ve had one eye on the assessment, which allows you to focus more on one than the other, and another eye on my calendar.

Ackermann, F. (2012) ‘Problem structuring methods “in the Dock”: arguing the case for Soft OR’, European Journal of Operational Research, 219(3), pp. 652–658.

Ackermann, F. and Eden, C. (2004) ‘Using causal mapping – individual and group, traditional and new’, in Pidd, M. (ed.) Systems modelling. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 127–145.

Ackermann, F. and Eden, C. (2020) ‘Strategic options development analysis (SODA)’, in Reynolds, M. and Holwell, S. (eds.) Systems approaches to making change: a practical guide. 2nd edn. Milton Keynes: The Open University/London: Springer, pp. 139–199.

Ackoff, R. (1974) Redesigning the future: a systems approach to societal problems. New York: John Wiley.

Argyris, M. and Schön, D. (1974) Theory in practice: increasing professional effectiveness. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Eden, C. and Ackermann, F. (1998) Making strategy: the journey of strategic management. London: Sage.

Eden, C. and Ackermann, F. (2013) ‘Problem structuring: on the nature of, and reaching agreement about, goals’, EURO Journal of Decision Processes, 1, pp. 7–28.

Giordano, R., Pluchinotta, I., Zikos, D., Krueger, T. and Tsoukiàs, A. (2020) ‘How to use ambiguity in problem framing for enabling divergent thinking: integrating problem structuring methods and concept-knowledge theory’, in White, L., Kunc, M., Burger, K. and Malpass, J. (eds.) Behavioral operational research: a capabilities approach. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 93–117.

Lowe, D., Martingale, L. and Yearworth, M. (2016) ‘Guiding interventions in a multi-organisational context: combining the Viable System Model and Hierarchical Process Modelling for use as a Problem Structuring Method’, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67(12), pp. 1481–1495.

Ramage, M. and Shipp, K. (2020) Systems thinkers. 2nd edn. Milton Keynes: The Open University/London: Springer.

Rosenhead, J. (ed.) (1989) Rational analysis for a problematic world: problem structuring methods for complexity, uncertainty, and conflict. Chichester, UK and New York: John Wiley & Sons.

Rosenhead, J. (2017) ‘Problem structuring methods as an aid to multiple-stakeholder evaluation’, in Miller, D. and Patassini, D. (eds.) Beyond benefit cost analysis: accounting for non-market values in planning evaluation. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 163–171.

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