Open Thinkering


Weeknote 07/2023

Spring, as they say, has sprung.

(I was going to write this weeknote on Friday night, but it felt too early to do so. And then I completely forgot to do so over the weekend.)

Some quick bullet points on last week:

  • I’ve been working on what was going to be a blog post entitled So, er, what even is a worker-owned co-op? but after some feedback and questions it grew legs and ran away with me. So it might end up being a larger resource. We’ll see.
  • On Tuesday I had a disagreement with a colleague which affected me so much I took the rest of the day as a mental health day and went for a walk on the beach. It was wonderful and restorative, and I made up with them on Wednesday.
  • It’s been ridiculously windy all week here, apart from a few brief respites. It seems that the wind, more than any other weather condition, really affects me emotionally. Weird.
  • I had some great CoTech Digital Candle meetings with very interesting people looking to do cool things. Hopefully I was able to give them a bit of encouragement and help.
  • On Thursday I went to the first All Hands meeting. It was well-attended, and I’m feeling optimistic about the whole enterprise!
  • We continued with client work and Laura did a bit of a handover from the projects she’s leading, as she’s heading to Costa Rica for three weeks.

This week it’s half-term for our kids, so I’m taking Monday and Friday off. It’s a bit easier when they’re older as you don’t have to entertain them as much; it’s more like just encouraging them to get off their phones…

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