Note: this is my last post on this blog for 2018. I’ll be back in January 👋
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #326 of my Thought Shrapnel newsletter. It was entitled, for self-explanatory reasons, ‘Last issue of 2018’. It was, as ever, made possible via those who support me on Patreon.
- Feeling ill. I took Monday and Friday off and limped through my other days. I’m on the mend, I think.
- Working on the MoodleNet project (Tues-Thurs):
- Writing about the work we did in Barcelona after user feedback on the sign-up process, and about writing a lengthy post about Emoji ID.
- Collaborating with Outlandish on new screens for sign-up.
- Working with Gry Stene on MoodleNet project resource requirements.
- Interviewing for a potential UX designer and front-end developer position.
- Completing 360-degree review questionnaires for my colleagues.
- Replying to comments in various places about what MoodleNet will and won’t do.
- Spending a half-day with my We Are Open Co-op colleagues planning for 2019. Give us a shout if we can help you!
- Wrapping up Thought Shrapnel for this year.
Next week, I’m at home all week working on MoodleNet stuff from Monday to Thursday. I’ve potentially got some co-op work to get done on Friday.
I was pleased to have the opportunity to talk last night with Adam Procter about his PhD and Project ‘NodeNoggin’. Listen below or click here:
Notes can be found here, ways to get involved in the project are on GitLab, and you can discuss our conversation in this thread at Adam’s forum.
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #325 of my Thought Shrapnel newsletter. It was entitled ‘Green screen LOLs’ and was, as ever, made possible via those who support me on Patreon.
- Setting up and configuring a Mastodon instance for Thought Shrapnel supporters. Thanks to those who helped me test it!
- Working on the MoodleNet project (Mon-Fri):
- Travelling to and from Barcelona for a team work week. It was the first time Mayel and Alex had met in person, and it was great to have Kayleigh and Sam from Outlandish with us on the Thursday and Friday.
- Presenting to the Board (and the rest of the management team) MoodleNet’s quarterly review report.
- Overseeing the hooking-up of the backend and frontend development. It’s going well.
- Prototyping and reconfiguring some of the user experience for MoodleNet. It was great to be able to connect with Matt from Outlandish, who was back in London, for some of this.
- Eating a lot of vegetarian and vegan food, which was great.
- Catching up with Nate Otto and Sara Arjona Téllez about Open Badges and/in Moodle.
- Reflecting on feedback from user testing around the MoodleNet sign-up process.
- Putting out our ‘Contributor Covenant‘ for feedback from the community.
- Recording a microcast, available only to Patreon supporters:
- Using a new avatar (see the ‘Start here‘ page).
- Starting to run again after resting my knee last week. I went three times in Barcelona, including down to the marina where I took the (unfiltered) photo that accompanies this weeknote.
Next week I’m at home all week. I’m looking forward to having a rest from blogging, social media and writing Thought Shrapnel. I’m tired.