Weeknote 33/2017
This week I’ve been:
- Away from home all week. From Monday to Wednesday I was in Birmingham, co-facilitating a train-the-trainer bootcamp for Freeformers. This was based on the ‘Intro to Code’ curriculum I put together for… er, let’s just say ‘a large company well known for its search engine’. On Thursday and Friday I was in Brighton working on community stuff with Totara Learning.
- Finishing Derren Brown’s Happy: why more or less everything is absolutely fine. I’d love to know the process by which the book came together. It’s great, but starts with anecdotes and ends up as almost an undergraduate philosophy course! I’ve now started The Organized Mind: thinking straight in the age of information overload by Daniel Levitin.
- Putting together Issue #15 of Badge News, the regular newsletter that We Are Open Co-op publish for the benefit of the Open Badges community. Thanks to our sponsors!
- Checking out Digital Literacy in Higher Education, Part II: An NMC Horizon Project Strategic Brief, which prominently references some of my work.
- Finalising the details of some upcoming work with Concentric Sky and with the Inter-American Development Bank.
- Planning for next week’s second Badge Wiki barn raising.
- Catching up with Rosie Clayton as we both happened to be in Brighton, Laura Hilliger (virtually), and Bryan Mathers (virtually) after his three-week holiday in Canada.
- Writing:
- Continuing to ‘build the barn’ (We Are Open Co-op blog, 16th August 2017)
- Be careful what you wish for (Discours.es, 15th August 2017)
Next week I’m at home all week. I’m trying not to work on Monday morning, spending time with my family on Monday afternoon, and then working Tuesday-Friday for Totara Learning.
I make my living helping people and organisations become more productive in their use of technology. If you’ve got something that you think I might be able to help with, please do get in touch! Email: [email protected]