Weeknote 39/2016
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #230 of Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel, my weekly newsletter loosely focused on education, technology, and productivity. It featured links on social mobility, lockdown, and the feedback loop from hell. Many thanks to Makers Academy for sponsorship!
- Recording and releasing Episode 62 (‘Curriculum as Algorithm’) of Today In Digital Education, my weekly podcast with co-host Dai Barnes. This week the main topic was ‘curriculum as an algorithm’ (main topic) as well as Snapchat sunglasses, learning pathways, digital readiness, meditation, mental health, and grammar schools. You can join the community to discuss this episode of TIDE in our Slack channel!
- Co-working at Campus North in Newcastle-upon-Tyne on Monday.
- Meeting with Eric Rousselle from Open Badge Factory about some upcoming work I’ll be doing with them.
- Putting together a proposal for a thinkathon for the City of Sunderland’s upcoming digital passport project.
- Attending my first Executive Committee meeting for the local Scout group.
- Updating and polishing the three accepted proposals We Are Open co-op have in for the Mozilla Festival at the end of next month.
- Planning and then walking my routes for two quality mountain days in the Lake District around Helvellyn on Friday and Saturday. I’ll write these up soon!
- Keynoting the Badgemaker Launch event in Glasgow. My slides are here.
- Arranging dates for follow-up visits to Jersey to work with Victoria College.
- Writing:
- Quality Mountain Days 3 and 4: Lake District (Open Educational Thinkering, 1st October 2016)
- Can you escape your origins? (Discours.es, 28th September 2016)
- Curriculum as Algorithm (Literaci.es, 26th September 2016)
- Getting the wrong end of the stick about Open Education (Discours.es, 26th September 2016)
- Be the footnote you want to see in the world (Discours.es, 26th September 2016)
Next week, I’ll working from home and particularly looking forward to our monthly ‘co-op day’ on Wednesday 5th October. We’ve got lots to discuss and plan!