Weeknote 14/2016
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #209 of Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel, my weekly newsletter loosely focused on education, technology, and productivity. This week it included links about nightmare school, robots that teach each other, and fearless innovation. Many thanks to 9Sharp for sponsoring this week’s issue!
- Recording and releasing Episode 45 (‘Nightmare Drones’) of the Today In Digital Education podcast, my weekly podcast with co-host Dai Barnes. This week we discussed showerbeers, nightmare school, robots that teach each other, drone racing, the Panama Papers, FBI vs. Apple, being a positive deviant, and more! You can discuss TIDE in our Slack channel.
- Working three days for City & Guilds, two in London and one at home. I’ve successfully finished leading the first couple of stages of what looks like it’s going to be a large project, and handed it over to a member of staff at C&G. I’m working an extra day for several weeks up to the summer so I can take my family camping around Europe again for the month of August!
- Providing some criticial friend services to Rachel Hammel who is doing well with Around The Curve, her consultancy. I’ll be doing more of this with another new client next week.
- Chatting with some potential new clients about Open Badges.
- Participating in this weeks’ Open Badges community call, discussing various things (including posts by Carla Casilli and myself).
- Working co-operatively with John Bevan on something we’ll announce properly soon.
- Spending time with family due to it being the Easter holidays. My kids and their cousins had lots of fun! I took the photo at the top of this post as we were crossing the stepping stones in Morpeth.
- Writing:
- Mozilla releases Web Literacy Map v2.0 (with ‘21st century skills’) (April 9th)
- 3 things I learned during my time at Mozilla (April 8th)
- How to use a Chromebook in a more secure and privacy-respecting way (April 7th)
- What is a ‘credential’ anyway? (April 6th)
- Notes on ACE’s ‘Quality Dimensions for Connected Credentials’ (April 5th)
- Why work in a university? (April 4th)
Next week I’ll be working from home on Monday, then heading to Oxford to work with Eylan Ezekiel on Tuesday, before taking part in the Tech Infrastructure for the Future Social Sector Hack event on Wednesday. I’ll be in London working with City & Guilds on Thursday, and then home on Friday.