Weeknote 06/2016
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out an call to (sponsorship) action instead of an issue of Doug Belshaw’s Thought Shrapnel, my weekly newsletter. Happily, it led to me selling three months’ sponsorship! March is still available, if anyone is interested in reaching ~1,000 people interested in the intersection of education, technology, and productivity.
- Recording and releasing Episode 38 (‘Super E-Safety’) of the Today In Digital Education podcast, my weekly podcast with co-host Dai Barnes. In this week’s episode we discussed a new Slack channel for TIDE, an e-safety conference Dai attended, reclaiming the computing commons, first-world anarchy, and more!
- Spending half a day working tweaking and extending some work I’ve been doing with London CLC around a digital skills curriculum. I’m looking forward to sharing that publicly once they’ve tested it with some adult learners.
- Down in London for three days working with City & Guilds. I was working with Bryan Mathers on an Open Badges video, updating the Resources section of OB101, and chairing a meeting/workshop about badge-related work that’s underway. I also attended DebateTech where I saw the London mayoral candidates and bumped into John Bevan.
- Launching the BadgeChain project with some friends and former Mozilla colleagues. We’re exploring the opportunities provided by using blockchain technology with Open Badges. Check out our Medium publication!
- Planning a presentation I’m doing next week, and putting together some stuff via GitHub Pages (see my guide) for an upcoming project coming out of my super-secret Slack channel!
- Selling some stuff on eBay. It’s so much easier than it used to be when I first started on there ~15 years ago! We’re also selling our car on AutoTrader as we’ve decided to lease one through my business.
- Writing:
- Calling out Pearson on Open Badges (Feb 11th)
- The Possibilities of Badges and Blockchain [DML Central] (Feb 11th)
- Real-world debugging with CodeCombat (Feb 9th)
- Quick reflections on #DebateTech (Feb 9th)
- Everything is amazing and nobody’s happy (Feb 9th)
Next week I’m in London on Tuesday with City & Guilds and then working with Cambridge English on Wednesday. It’s half-term so, other than that, and a bit of writing, I’ll be trying to spend as much time with the family as possible.
Image from the wonderful selection at Nomad Pictures