Open Thinkering


Month: August 2011

JOIN US! A semester of learning about Open Badges and assessment.

Open Badges and assessment

What: An informal, collaborative group learning more about Mozilla’s Open Badge architecture.

Why: To consider the ways Open Badges could be used to credentialise educational outcomes.


When: Saturday 13th August – Friday 30th September 2011

Hashtag: #openbadges

I proposed a ‘semester of learning’ on Open Badges and assessment earlier this week. The idea seemed to gain some enthusiasm and traction, so I’ve gone ahead and set up a study group at There’s no real need for a commitment other than joining the group and lurkers are as welcome as frequent contributors.

There’ll be a live Q&A and discussion session via IRC at 20.00 BST (GMT+1) tonight, Saturday 13th April, and every Saturday night. The link to get involved with that is in the sidebar at

The first week’s task is really easy: read up on Open Badges so that in Week 2 we can negotiate how we’re going to move forward discussing and debating how they could be used within education.

Join us!

The real story behind the #londonriots?

Can’t see the video? Click here

I’ve been taken aback by the irrational and heavy-handed response of people I (used to) respect in relation to the recent outbreak of rioting across English cities. Over at Doug’s FAQ I wrote a couple of posts to follow-up what I’d mentioned on Twitter and Google+. The first, What do you mean by structural inequality? is my attempt to quickly outline the fact things should not be taken at face value. In the second, So you don’t condemn the rioters? I try to show how people are a product of their environment and call for a more just society.

In a lengthy thread on Google+ I exchanged points of view with various people. Thankfully, Paul Lewis weighed-in with the above video which, I thought, contained such eloquence that I’ve uploaded it to the Internet Archive in case anything happens to the YouTube version (it was available under a Creative Commons license)

Further reading:

There’s no way (currently) to integrate comments from Google+ with the comments below. Here’s the thread featuring some excellent insights stemming from my initial link to this post.

Help me kick the tyres at!

Update: This will now take place at

Semesters of Learning

Further to the idea put forward in this post (which gained some traction) I’ve set up It’s a space for self-directed but collaborative and informal learning about a particular topic. The first one will be about the potential of Mozilla’s Open Badges project and begins on Saturday 13th August 2011.

Before then, I need some people to come and help me kick the tyres on the BuddyPress installation and make sure it’s ready. If that sounds like you, add a comment below and I’ll send you a login.

Thanks in advance! 🙂
