Ed.D. blog moves home
Eduspaces, where I previously hosted my Ed.D. blog, has given notice that it is shutting down. I have therefore moved my Ed.D. blog here, to edublogs.org. 🙂
It was a fairly easy process:
- Download RSS feed from Eduspaces.
- Sign up for edublogs.org blog.
- Go to Options/Import in new blog.
- Browse and upload RSS feed from Eduspaces.
- Categories were all wrong, so had to delete them all manually (a bit of a pain)
- Configuration of new blog.
Hopefully this will give me a bit more flexibility and make it easier for people to find my reflections. The only really annoying thing is that the imported posts have ‘James’ as the author instead of me… 🙁
There is a drop down box for "authors" if you edit your post. It is on the lower right hand side. True, you have to change it manually, but at least you can!
Thanks for the tip – I need to weigh up whether I should go through 60+ posts or just leave it as it is. I feel sorry for those who have to go through more! :-o