Open Thinkering


Month: January 2007

Hannah and Ben back home

After a couple of nights in hospital, Hannah and Ben are now back safe and sound at home. Ben’s feeding well – in fact, a little too well! All he seems to do is feed, sleep and cry. Still, that’s what babies do best…

Hannah and I knew that we’d be in for some fairly sleepless nights, but knowing that and experiencing it are two completely different propositions!

Continue reading “Hannah and Ben back home”

Flickr slideshow of Benjamin Daniel Jonathan Belshaw

I’m going to keep adding photos of Ben to the Flickr set I’ve set up in his honour. The following slideshow, therefore, will keep updating itself with anything in that set…

Click here or ‘read on’ below for the slideshow! Continue reading “Flickr slideshow of Benjamin Daniel Jonathan Belshaw”
