Open Thinkering


Hannah and Ben back home

After a couple of nights in hospital, Hannah and Ben are now back safe and sound at home. Ben’s feeding well – in fact, a little too well! All he seems to do is feed, sleep and cry. Still, that’s what babies do best…

Hannah and I knew that we’d be in for some fairly sleepless nights, but knowing that and experiencing it are two completely different propositions!

Ben met his cousin Emmie for the first time today. Emmie’s just learned how to walk and she was very curious as to what exactly the little thing in the Moses basket actually was. She’s in my bad books, though, as she tore the spine off my copy of Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons (not really – I got it second-hand from Oxfam!)

2 thoughts on “Hannah and Ben back home

  1. Lovely baby! Great names! We've been excitedly waiting too!! Glad it's been easy so far….now you've got the hard bit! Ha ha!!

  2. Congratulations! What a cute little boy! Jacob is looking forward to playing with his new friend!

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