Open Thinkering


Tag: video

My elevator pitch for #openbadges (v0.1 alpha) [VIDEO]

(video not showing? click here)

Today I did a fairly average job of explaining Open Badges to a roomful of people. I need to work on my elevator pitch.

This one from last year by people more eloquent than me is pretty good.

I recorded the above video in one take when I got back home. My reason for recording it was because I want to get better at explaining Open Badges to the uninitiated.


  1. What’s confusing?
  2. Which questions would you ask me after I presented this?
  3. How do I come across?

I find Open Badges such a huge and nuanced thing that I may leave out really obvious stuff. Have a look at for a deeper dive if I’ve whetted your appetite!

Come and ask me questions LIVE at my Hybrid Days presentation on digital literacies.

I was delighted to be approached a few months ago to be part of the Hybrid Days conference that’s been going on recently. This video gives a useful overview:

[vimeo w=500&h=281]

What is Hybrid Days? from Hybrid Days on Vimeo.

My presentation is entitled How to Develop Digital Literacies in Yourself and Others and I’ll be delivering it via the official Hybrid Days Livestream channel at 20:00 GMT on Saturday 26th November 2011.

Do join me if you can!

How I Use a MacBook Pro (May 2011)


On the basis of I’d be rather interested if other people I know did this, here’s a 9-minute ramble through how I’ve got my MacBook Pro set up – including apps and web services I use. If there’s anything you see in the screencast that I forgot to mention explicitly, please do ask in the comments below.

There’s one thing I forgot to mention: I don’t use the ‘tapping’ feature on laptop trackpads as it drives me mad. That causes problems for others when they use my machines…

Tip: click the arrows to the bottom-right of the embedded YouTube video to go fullscreen!
