Open Thinkering


Tag: SSM

TB871: “The Systems Approach is Not a Bad Idea”: the ethical and philosophical legacy of C. West Churchman

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

An abstract image that represents the concept of systems thinking and ethical considerations. It visualises interconnected systems, layers of abstraction, and design boundaries.

C. West Churchman (1913-2004) was a key figure in the development of systems thinking, particularly during his tenure at the University of California, Berkeley. His work emphasised the necessity of integrating values and ethics into systems approaches, challenging the field to consider the broader consequences of decisions rather than focusing solely on technical solutions.

Values and ethics in Systems Thinking

Churchman’s philosophy rests on the belief that systems design should not be driven solely by efficiency or technical precision. He argued that systems thinking must incorporate ethical considerations, ensuring that the outcomes benefit society at large and do not cause harm. He critiqued approaches that ignored the human and environmental impact of systems, stressing that a purely technical focus could lead to solutions that, while functional, might be ethically questionable. Churchman’s focus on values is explored extensively in Systems Thinkers (pp. 131-139).

The concept of ‘wicked problems’

Churchman is also known for coining the term “wicked problems,” which describes issues that are complex, multifaceted, and resistant to straightforward solutions. These problems are characterised by their lack of clear definitions, their interdependencies, and the difficulty in finding a resolution that satisfies all stakeholders. For Churchman, tackling wicked problems required a deep engagement with the underlying values at play, as well as an understanding that solutions might create new challenges or exacerbate existing ones. (Ramage & Shipp, 2020, p. 134).

“The Systems Approach is not a bad idea”

Churchman’s famous remark, “the systems approach is not a bad idea,” reflects his cautious optimism about the potential of systems thinking. He saw it as a valuable tool for addressing complex issues but was keenly aware of its limitations. In The Systems Approach (1968), he stated, “however a systems problem is solved—by planner, scientist, politician, anti-planner, or whomever—the solution is wrong, even dangerously wrong” (p. 32). This highlights his view that every solution, regardless of how well-intentioned, carries risks and unintended consequences. Churchman believed that while systems thinking could offer valuable insights, it must be applied with an awareness of its inherent limitations and the ethical dilemmas it might create.

Churchman’s emphasis on values and ethics directly influenced the development of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), particularly in its approach to handling complex, human-centred problems. SSM, pioneered by Peter Checkland, incorporates many of Churchman’s ideas, especially the importance of considering multiple perspectives and the ethical dimensions of systems. SSM’s focus on exploring different viewpoints and understanding the subjective nature of problem situations can be seen as a practical application of Churchman’s broader philosophical concerns. His balanced perspective reminds us that systems thinking is not a panacea and must be applied thoughtfully and critically.

The architect and boundary judgements

In his book The Design of Inquiring Systems, Churchman provides a useful example involving an architect tasked with designing a house. This example illustrates the importance of drawing boundaries and working at different levels of abstraction:

Narrowly, he may think of a particular instance of a design as the specification of a physical house, designated by a complete set of architectural drawings and specifications. In this case, the components may be the rooms, and the relations between the components may be the geometrical scheme of the house in three-dimensional space. But the architect may ask himself a broader question: whether the house is not a component of a larger system, consisting of the family (or its activities) and the house. When he does ask himself this question, he may wonder whether his design task should include the design of a part of the family’s activities. For example, he may wonder whether he can change the family’s typical way of using the kitchen facilities. Still more broadly, he may ask whether the house plus family is not a component of an urban social system, and whether he ought not to consider alternative designs of this entire community. If he perceives his task in the narrowest sense, then he tells himself that the larger system is not his concern; how the family behaves is entirely up to them, or how the community is planned is entirely up to the planners and politicians. In such a case, he believes that the maximum size of the system is the house (plus, say, its location on the land). He may believe that there is a larger system that may concern some other designer; such a larger system may be the city in which the house is to be placed. But as far as he is concerned, larger systems are not relevant to the effectiveness of his choices. (Churchman, 1971)

Churchman used this scenario to highlight how decisions about boundaries shape the final outcome and how important it is to consider these decisions at multiple levels of analysis. This example is a good example of his belief that systems thinking requires careful consideration of the ethical and practical implications of our choices.


Churchman’s legacy in systems thinking is deeply rooted in his commitment to ethics and his recognition of the complexities involved in addressing real-world problems. His contributions continue to influence how we approach and solve difficult issues, reminding us to integrate ethical considerations into our decision-making processes. As we face increasingly complex challenges, Churchman’s ideas about the role of values and the nature of wicked problems offer valuable guidance for anyone engaged in the design and implementation of systems.


  • Checkland, P. (1981). Systems thinking, systems practice. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Churchman, C. W. (1971). The design of inquiring systems: Basic concepts of systems and organization. Basic Books.
  • Churchman, C. W. (1968). The systems approach. Dell Publishing.
  • Ramage, M., & Shipp, K. (2020). Systems thinkers (2nd ed.). Springer.

Image created by DALL-E 3

TB872: Snappy Systems

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category

A diagram showing how to approach a systemic inquiry, including the following steps:

Framing the inquiry
Draft the system as it is
Focusing in...
Understanding patterns of behaviour
Who is most relevant? 
What effect are our actions having?
Frame from an animation based on PhD research by Dr Moragh Mackay, included in TB872 course materials (The Open University, 2021)

There is an animation included in the course materials for this module, from which I took the above image. The voiceover for the animation mentions that:

Multiple partial perspectives are needed to unpack experience complexity. Rich pictures based on experiences of a situation or snappy systems from SSM are useful methods for starting out. Both produce excellent mediating objects for sharing diverse and sometimes challenging perspectives. When done collaboratively, these help frame the inquiry.

The Open University (ibid.)

While we’ve been introduced to ‘rich pictures’ I can’t remember previous mention of ‘snappy systems’. So I looked it up. After wading through results relating to ‘systems’ for interlocking drill bits, I found this page from Triarchy Press, a “systems thinking publisher”. It appears to be either an extract from, or written to promote, a book called Growing Wings on the Way: Systems Thinking for Messy Situations by Rosalind Armson:

The idea of a system that does something and has a purpose, whether designed or attributed, provides a powerful way of understanding some of the complexity within a messy situation. ‘Snappy Systems’ is a technique for breaking out of taken-for-granted understandings of what something is or does. Snappy Systems is simply a rapid (hence ‘snappy’) way of generating a list of different ways of seeing something as a system with a purpose. Snappy Systems works well even if only one person is making the list but it works even better with a group of people contributing ideas.

Briefly, the approach comprises the following (Armson, n.d.):

  • “Phase 1 of Snappy Systems is simply to list all the systems you can think of, as fast and uncritically as you can, that describe the [situation], by using the form ‘A [_____] is a system to [______]‘. Write down every item of your list, even if it seems silly or irrelevant.”
  • “Phase 2 of Snappy Systems has two list-building stages. Firstly, list as many… stakeholders as possible. A stakeholder is anyone who might have a stake in – any reason for caring about – [the situation].”
  • “Next, pick one of the stakeholders: it doesn’t really matter which one but it may work better if their stake is rather different from your own…Now repeat the Phase 1 process of listing systems but this time, do it from the perspective of your chosen stakeholder.”
  • “Phase 3 of Snappy Systems – Sinister Systems – is optional but especially useful for exploring why things go wrong. This time the ideas-storm concentrates on systems causing things to go wrong. In other words, each system in the list has the ‘purpose‘ of creating unwanted effects.”

I can imagine this would be an extremely useful approach to use in a workshop, especially in-person. Armson goes on say:

Using Snappy Systems, and its variants, I begin to discern interlocking systems within the messy situation; the mess begins to acquire a structure. The idea that a system does something is closely allied to its purpose . ‘Doing something’ can be used as another way to clarify a messy situation by identifying systems within it. A system transforms something. The transformation it performs is the ‘doing something’ and is a key characteristic of the system. The system takes something in one state and transforms it into another state.

Armson (n.d.)

Returning to the image at the top of this post, I think it’s important to note that this is a slightly different approach to what I’ve been discussing in my posts recently. For example, it doesn’t really talk much about emotions, nor does it foreground the traditions of practice of the practitioners. As such, it seems to be more focused on the ‘E’ (Engaging), ‘C’ (Contextualising), and ‘M’ (Managing) balls than on the ‘B’ (Being).

That being said, organisations do tend to like a process diagram, as it reassures them that you know what you’re doing. I can’t imagine that most systemic inquiries would follow this exact approach, but it’s a convenient fiction for if you need to ‘sell’ a systemic approach.


  • Armson, R. (n.d.). Snappy systems. Available at—snappy-systems.html. (Accessed 24 January 2024)
  • The Open University. (2021). ‘2.5.1 Taking a design turn in your practice’, TB872: Managing change with systems thinking in practice. Available at (Accessed 24 January 2024).

TB872: Understanding systemic inquiry in activity model terms

Note: this is a post reflecting on one of the modules of my MSc in Systems Thinking in Practice. You can see all of the related posts in this category.

An activity model of a system to conduct a systemic inquiry (original version from TB872 course materials)

I’m now in Week 7 of TB872 and, although this MSc has so far taken up more time than I expected, this was the first week in which I actually became ‘stuck’. Thankfully, the student forums have fellow postgraduates with large brains who not only grappling with the same things as me, but are very helpful. So thanks to David Stead and Diana Dimitrova for giving me a hand when I went off on an incorrect tangent!

The above diagram comes from the course materials and is based on one created by Peter Checkland, the primary developer of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM):

Soft systems methodology (SSM) is an organised way of thinking that’s applicable to problematic social situations and in the management of change by using action.


The method was derived from numerous earlier systems engineering processes, primarily from the fact traditional ‘hard’ systems thinking was not able to account for larger organisational issues, with many complex relationships. SSM has a primary use in the analysis of these complex situations, where there are divergent views about the definition of the problem.


Although the language used is always that it might be beneficial to study TB871 before TB872, it’s not required. I feel like this is a situation when it would really help. In fact, if you’re reading this and thinking about doing this MSc, I’d highly recommend that you study TB871 (which starts in May) first. My mistake was thinking in terms of traditional academic years. This course is quite different from what I’ve experienced previously — it doesn’t stop for Christmas! 😮

As this is the first time I’ve come across SSM, unlike those who have studied TB871, I haven’t come across the acronym CATWOE. The course materials say not to worry if this is the case, but I want to learn about this stuff. The Wikipedia definition is a bit wordy so I turned to the GPT I created for this course:

CATWOE is an acronym used in Soft Systems Methodology (SSM), a tool for problem structuring in complex systems. Each letter in CATWOE represents a different element to consider when understanding and articulating problems and solutions in a system. The elements are:

  1. C – Customers: These are the beneficiaries or victims of the system. They are the individuals or groups who are affected by the outcomes of the system.
  2. A – Actors: These are the people who are involved in carrying out the activities within the system. They are the individuals or groups who actually perform the tasks or processes that the system entails.
  3. T – Transformation Process: This represents the conversion of inputs into outputs by the system. It is the core process or set of activities that the system performs to achieve its objectives.
  4. W – Weltanschauung (Worldview): This refers to the wider worldviews or belief systems that justify the existence of the system. It’s the set of assumptions, cultural values, and beliefs that frame how the system is viewed and understood.
  5. O – Owners: These are the individuals or groups who have the power to change or shut down the system. They have control over the system and can make significant decisions about its operation.
  6. E – Environmental Constraints: These are the external elements that can influence or limit the system. They include legal, ethical, social, and physical environmental factors that the system must operate within.

CATWOE helps in creating rich pictures of complex situations and in defining root definitions of systems in SSM, thereby aiding in the understanding and analysis of complex problems in a structured way.

My understanding is therefore that this is a way that you don’t miss anything out when designing a systemic inquiry.

Ray Ison, the course author for this section, says that his “inclination” is to replace the words at the top of Checkland’s SSM diagram with “set up a structured exploration of a situation in which matters are at issue”. This is because not everyone sees a situation in the same way: for example, you might see it as ‘problematical’ whereas others might not. Equally, it may be useful to frame the system in terms of ‘opportunities’.

So I’ve replicated the original diagram in Whimsical, replacing ‘situation considered problematical’ with ‘situation in which matters are at issue’. I’ll come back and update this as my systemic inquiry progresses.

An activity model of a system to conduct a systemic inquiry (my version created in Whimsical)

There are a number of situations or issues which could be considered a ‘contested opportunity’ and which are of concern to me. There are some ones in my personal life, for example; there are also some internal to WAO. But I think the one I want to focus on, as I mentioned in my learning contract, is the work we’ve just started with the DCC around the adoption of their technology to promote Verifiable Credentials (VCs) in Higher Education (HE).

This part of the course is meant to be a virtuous cycle of inquiry where understanding my own practice (S1) allows me to apply what I’ve learned in a situation of concern (S2). I’m going to use CATWOE for the first time, so I might not use it appropriately. Here goes:

  • Customers (C): Primary beneficiaries are HE institutions and students who will use VCs. This also extends to employers and other organisations that rely on the authenticity of academic credentials. It may also include vendors such as online learning providers who use the standards and reference implementations that the DCC have worked on and helped develop.
  • Actors (A): DCC staff along with WAO members and collaborators, who work with: Registrars and IT staff at the HE institutions, vendors, educators, administrators, and students. I’m a little fuzzy about this one, as it could involve, well, lots of people .
  • Transformation Process (T): The transformation process is the adoption and integration of VCs at HE institutions. This involves shifting from traditional credentialing systems to a digital system, which includes logistical changes such as verification processes, documentation, and communication.
  • Weltanschauung (Worldview) (W): There is an underlying belief that VCs increase transparency, efficiency, and the authenticity of academic qualifications. This is in alignment with the broader digital transformation of HE as well as a move towards more learner agency and user control of data. It also fits in with a perhaps less-articulated view that HE institutions are moving towards issuing many more credentials than in the past, and need to do so in a way that preserves their reputation, works for employers, and is understandable by students.
  • Owners (O): Decision-makers and stakeholders with the power to implement and modify the VC ecosystem are many and varied, including the W3C working group. However, for this project, the ‘owners’ are DCC staff who have control over their software, Registrars who can start and shut down projects, as well as IT departments who can veto work on tech projects which are too problematic. In fact, the owners are almost all actors, with the exception perhaps of students and vendors? I need to think more about this.
  • Environmental Constraints (E): These have been well thought through given data privacy and security requirements and technological constraints (e.g. interoperability with existing systems). One thing to consider is the attitude, readiness, and acceptance of stakeholders (e.g. registrars, IT staff, students, employers) for VCs.

We’ll be running a workshop in the new year to discuss this with DCC staff as we’ve noticed a slightly (but important!) difference between how they talk about influencing the system and how the reports they have produced discuss it. We want to explore that further.

To reflect Ison’s difference from Checkland in terms of a ‘situation considered problematical’ compared to a ‘situation in which matters are at issue’, I’m viewing this through the lens of opportunity. That is to say that I, personally (and I think other people involved in this work) see VCs as going well beyond merely replacing paper transcripts with their digital equivalent. This is why I’ve been so interested in Open Badges for over a decade.

When I was teaching, a popular way of talking about the introduction of educational technology was Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR model. It’s an easy way to show that technologies can be used to substitute, augment, modify, or redefine what’s gone before.

SAMR model showing four boxes: Substitution and Augmentation (labelled 'Enhancement') and Modification and Redefinition (labelled 'Transformation')

So, although VCs and data wallets might sound a little boring when simply applied to transcripts, things become a little more exciting when we start thinking about a much more holistic way of representing our learning. For example, instead of me simply receiving an MSc at the end of three years for this course, I could receive some for the way that I interact on student forums, for the grades that I get along the way, and even for these blog posts.

It’s worth thinking about how I would judge improvement in the situation of concern compared to others. I think that staff at the DCC would like to see much more widespread adoption. This is likely to include an increase in the number of partner institutions, and I’m assuming a preference for more prestigious universities which would be in alignment with MIT, which is where the DCC is hosted.

Based on our early work, I think that staff in HE institutions (e.g. registrars and IT staff) would judge improvement if other organisations they know and respect are using VCs successfully. I assume that they would also judge things to be improving if vendors they already work with (e.g. for student information systems) offer VCs as something they can integrate seamlessly.

Personally I would judge improvement in the situation of concern in three ways:

  • DCC staff, with the help of WAO, come up with a compelling way of describing VCs and their use cases, leading to greater interest in the W3C standard and DCC’s reference technologies.
  • More institutions request to join the DCC, making more money and influence available to advocate for the use of VCs in HE.
  • HE institutions start issuing VCs at scale for a range of purposes, including both credit-bearing and non-credit-bearing purposes.

One thing I haven’t discussed so far is culture and power. As anyone who has been around HE institutions will be aware, these are almost the definition of stratified organisations with hierarchical roles and power. What isn’t referenced on the SSM diagram, but which is well worth thinking about is influence. There are ways of cutting through institutional bureaucracy by the right people (DCC) providing the right solution (VCs) at the right time (hopefully now!)

As I’ve already hinted, I’m fully invested in the digital and alternative credentials ecosystem. I’m sat here studying for my fourth postgraduate qualification, so I obviously find value in the kind of education and credentialling that HE institutions provide. However, I don’t think it’s enough. Nor do I think that merely issuing VCs for high-stakes credentials such as degrees is enough.

In the past I’ve been possibly a little antagonistic and gadfly-ish in relation to HE staff and institutions. However, this work is an opportunity to really think systemically about introducing change which could impact, eventually, upon millions of people. At ePIC, for example, I went to a presentation which talked about the University of Lyon‘s use of blockchain-based credentials and how this had absolutely transformed the life of one man in Africa, who was having to pay $30 every time he applied for a job to have made a certified copy of his degree certificate.

10 years ago, when I had a bit of an argument with Mitch Resnick about extrinsic motivation and badges, I think it was easy for HE institutions to dismiss digital credentials. These days, however, and particularly in these pandemic times, it’s much easier for them to reconceptualise them as ‘microcredentials’ as see them as a business opportunity. This is particularly important as HE becomes more of a marketplace and more consumer-oriented than it ever has been before.

Finally, then, let’s return to the SSM diagram and tweak it a little:

An activity model of a system to conduct a systemic inquiry (my version with 'Set up a structure exploration of ways in which DCC can influence VC adoption in HE' at the top)

This might seem like a lot of words to have simply replaced the words at the top of the diagram, but working through this has given me a (slightly) clearer picture of what I need to do next. For example, if I apply the PFMS heuristic to the situation I’ll be able to start seeing the different frameworks and methods that other practitioners involved bring to bear on the situation.
