Open Thinkering


Tag: etmooc

T3S1: Digital Literacies with Dr. Doug Belshaw (#etmooc)

I’m running my first-ever MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) session on digital literacies as part of #etmooc. Anyone can join in at 8pm GMT on Monday 18th February 2013. The link you need is at Point 4 here. Slides below or on Slideshare!

[slideshare id=16552231&style=border: 1px solid #CCC; border-width: 1px 1px 0; margin-bottom: 5px;&sc=no]

Weeknote 07/2013

This week I’ve been:

Next week I’m taking Monday as ‘Paid Time Off’ (PTO) – as they call it in North America. It’s President’s Day in the US and a national holiday and, over here, the first day of half-term for my son. I’ll be in London on Thursday and Friday as I’m speaking at the University of West London and meeting with Kate Stokes from Nesta to finalise our SXSWedu presentation.
