Weeknote 33/2021
Quick one because I’m tired. This week I’ve…
- Been camping with my daughter on the North York Moors. It was great, although it rained and there were more flying insects than I can remember in my adult life!
- Started reading background docs relating to strategy stuff for Julie’s Bicycle.
- Recorded a Season 2 trailer with Laura for the Tao of WAO podcast.
- Helped various organisations as part of the Catalyst Continuation project.
- Checked in on our work with Participate.
I only did 13 hours work in total this week, which makes me think that I should have taken August off. Perhaps I will next year.
In terms of writing, here I published:
- It is a folly to expect men to do all they may reasonably be expected to do
- Hang on to what you’ve got?
- Mann Tracht, Un Gott Lacht
On the WAO Co-op blog, I published:
I’m also back to adding articles most days to extinction.fyi and occasionally to Thought Shrapnel.