Weeknote 37/2018
This week I’ve been:
- Supporting my wife during her first ever Great North Run. I’m very proud of her completing a half-marathon! We (our children and I) saw the Red Arrows do a fly-past while standing on the Tyne Bridge. Magical.
- Sending out Issue #315 of my Thought Shrapnel newsletter. This one was called ‘Minimalism FTW ’. Everyone hated the redesign, so I’ll be fixing that for the next issue. Thanks to those who back me via Patreon plus those who continue their support via Gumroad!
- Working on the MoodleNet project (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri):
- Making an offer to a candidate for the MoodleNet backend developer (Elixir) position. All things being equal, they should start on Monday 24th!
- Finalising v0.7 of the MoodleNet overview slide deck.,
- Preparing for, and presenting at, the ALT conference in Manchester, UK. I was there with Gavin Henrick and Garnet Berry from Moodle, and you can catch up on everything that happened. The recording of my 30-minute session can be found here. Apologies for slightly sub-par sound quality, and you might want to skip straight to 02:00 to miss the sponsor info.
- Curating interesting things I came across on the Thought Shrapnel blog:
- Writing and thinking via my Discours.es blog:
Next week, I’m working from home all day Monday and Tuesday morning, then I’m off to London for a mini sprint on the front-end development of MoodleNet with Mayel de Borniol and Outlandish.