Weeknote 13/2018
This week I’ve been:
- Sending out Issue #297 of my Thought Shrapnel newsletter. This one was called ‘Springing Forward’. Are you a Patreon supporter yet?
- Participating in the MoodleMoot UK & Ireland in Glasgow, which I MC’d. In addition, I presented on Project MoodleNet and ran a workshop. Slides and outputs from those can be found here. It was great to catch up with colleagues while I was there, as well as Grainne Hamilton and Dave White (briefly!)
- Putting together a ‘job landscape’ for a Technical Architect for Project MoodleNet.
- Curating interesting things I came across on the Thought Shrapnel blog. This week I collected some quotations and commented on the following:
- Not everyone is going to like you
- Microcast #009 (supporters only!)
- No-one wants a single identity, online or offline
- “Fortify yourself with contentment, for this is an impregnable fortress.” (Epictetus)
- The spectrum of work autonomy
- “The greater the ig norance the greater the dogmatism.”(Sir William Osler)
- Every part of your digital life is being tracked, packaged up, and sold
- Survival in the age of surveillance
- How to get hired
- Alternatives to all of Facebook’s main features
- Microcast #008 (supporters only!)
- Microcast #007 (supporters only!)
- Chilling out on Friday. It’s funny how our family doesn’t really know how to do nothing as we’re always busy, busy…
- Writing:
- Project MoodleNet overview (v0.4) and workshop (27th March 2018)
Next week it’s the Easter holidays, so I’ll be at home and not be working on Monday. From Tuesday to Thursday I’ll be working on Moodle-related stuff, and co-op things on Friday.
Photo of the University of Strathclyde’s Technology & Innovation Centre taken by me on Monday.