Open Thinkering


Reflecting on #100DaysToOffload

Last April I completed a #100DaysToOffload challenge. The results can be found here.

Although I did not do the 100 days consecutively, the expectation to write one hundred blog posts within a calendar year focused the mind somewhat. I wrote about things that I’m sometimes hesitant, for one reason or another, to post here — or that I sometimes include in commentary over at Thought Shrapnel.

As I documented in the first weeknote of this year, my past year review of 2021 led me to a decision to avoid spending time on Twitter and LinkedIn. This was mainly to do with how they make me feel; in the case of Twitter it makes me angry, and in the case of LinkedIn it makes me sad.

Mastodon and the Fediverse I feel more neutral about. Posting there seems like a good place for semi-ephemeral thoughts, but there’s nothing like publishing something in a space that you own. In addition, writing something on a blog lends an expectation of coherence and attention to spelling/grammar that isn’t always there on social media.

So, as with much of what I write here, this is a note to myself to lower the bar for the kinds of things that can appear here inbetween my regular weeknotes. It’s useful, for example, to be able to immediately respond with a blog post when someone asks how to plan a workshop. Or to remind myself how I felt a year after a friend died. Or perhaps to remind myself that side projects are worth doing.

Is there anything that you, increasingly-rare visitor to this forest clearing, would like me to write about? Let me know in the comments below 😊

6 thoughts on “Reflecting on #100DaysToOffload

  1. Hey Doug.

    I always say that the best posts are the ones that give a glimpse into the person behind the words, those little snippets of real life that, while seemingly throwaway, help to give a sense of who they are.

    I enjoy reading your weeknotes and am in awe of people who can keep up such summaries on a consistent basis.

  2. Hey,

    I do agree that it feels the Fediverse feels more neutral, but it’s still a social network, and I find myself checking it quite often.

    I will probably just use it to post some thoughts, or reply to some toots with a blog post, even a small one. That’s what we do sometimes with Horst (, and our shorts notes … Because I left the other networks because it was time consuming for nothing.

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