Open Thinkering


Month: June 2014

Weeknote 26/2014

This week I’ve been:

  • Launching v1.0 of my e-book, The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies. If you haven’t already got a copy, get it from! For 10% off use the code ‘gimme10’.
  • Finalising the first tranche of Web Literacy badges. They’ll fit in with the ‘Make’ part of the Discover / Make / Teach taxonomy of the new resources section. Hoping to launch July 11th.
  • Issuing Webmaker Mentor and Webmaker Super Mentor badges as a result of events in India and Uganda that my colleagues attended. If you meet the criteria, why not apply for one yourself?
  • Starting the ball rolling for a cross-Mozilla podcast – potentially in the style of This Week In Tech.
  • Beginning to write a concepts page for a new DRM curriculum.
  • Planning some more work around learning pathways with Chloe Varelidi using the Mozilla Discover tool.
  • Writing an abstract for an event I’m speaking at in September called Code acts in community & lifelong learning (the shorter the abstract, the more difficult I find it to write!)
  • Getting so close to launching the first Mozilla whitepaper on Web Literacy.

Next week I’m at home from Monday through to Wednesday. On Thursday I’m heading to Brighton to speak at the Indie Tech Summit – which promises to be a great event.

Image CC BY-NC-SA Mark Stevens

Announcing the launch of ‘The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies’

The Essential Elements of Digital LiteraciesTwo years and ~20,000 words later, I’m delighted to announce that The Essential Elements of Digital Literacies has now reached v1.0!

Over 300 people have already invested in the book as part of the OpenBeta process I devised. Many of them (too numerous to name individually!) have given invaluable feedback on everything from design to spotting typos.

I’ve put together a dedicated website where you can buy the book, read a sample, and visit the emergent wiki.

Take a look:

This Sunday I’m running a live session to celebrate the launch. It will include a brief presentation, some fun activities to try out, a Q&A session, and an opportunity to buy the book at a 20% discount.

Date: Sunday 29th June 2014
Time: 8pm BST (what time is that for me?)

Weeknote 25/2014

This week I’ve been:

Next week, I’m at home all week again and looking forward to doing more work on Web Literacy badges and pathways. I’ll also be launching v1.0 of my new ebook, which has been two years in the making…

Image CC BY-NC Pulpolux !!!
