Weeknote 17/2014
This week I’ve been:
- Enjoying a four-day week due to the long Easter weekend.
- Self-medicating with chocolate. Seriously, though I feel much better for increasing my chocolate intake.
- Writing about software with shareholders and the importance of defining your personal meta-level project to change the world.
- Setting up a new wiki. Not much to see there yet.
- Getting to grips with my new Acer C720 ‘Chromebook’. I’m dual-booting it, using 24GB for Ubuntu and 8GB for ChromeOS.
- Contributing to this week’s Open Badges Community Call.
- Blogging about three new Web Literacy Map-related resources on the Webmaker blog.
- Moderating this week’s #TeachTheWeb community call.
- Releasing a Webmaker whitepaper to the community for feedback.
- Creating a Web Literacy Ninja badge at P2PU.org. Interestingly, Ian O’Byrne (a WebLitMap contributor) saw it and responded via his blog. I’ve subsequently issued the badge to Ian after reviewing his ‘evidence’.
- Responding to a project about Academics Who Tweet.
- Adding a case study from the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to our Web Literacy Map alignment resource.
- Providing feedback on survey results for an EU MOOCs for Web Skills project.
- Getting ready for next week.
Next week I’ll be in San Francisco for the Mozilla Foundation’s All-Hands meeting. The week after I’ll be in Amsterdam with my wife, belatedly celebrating 10 years of marriage. 🙂
Image CC BY-SA Peter Pearson