Open Thinkering


Month: July 2013

It’s time to register for MozFest 2013!

I can remember when I went to my first Mozilla Festival (MozFest) back in in 2011. I wasn’t working for Mozilla at the time so I was just blown away by how awesome it was. They’re the most positive events I’ve ever been to; there’s so much energy in the building! On top of that, the event was (and still is) about working in the open and about putting the Mozilla Manifesto into action. 🙂

Registration for MozFest 2013 is now open. It’s at Ravensbourne College in Greenwich, London (opposite the O2 arena) between Friday 25th and Sunday 27th October 2013. Early bird tickets for adults are only £40 and for youths it’s a mere £3.

You should come. You should encourage other people to come along with you. You should shout it from the rooftops. But more than that: you should propose a session. I’m certainly planning to – but you don’t need to work for Mozilla to do so. Oh no. As long as participatory, purposeful and productive, anyone can run a session at MozFest!

I look forward to seeing you there. Grab your ticket now!

Mozilla Maker Party Newcastle (17 August 2013)

I’m delighted to announce that after the success of MozParty Newcastle last summer there will be another this year called Maker Party Newcastle. It will be held at the Centre for Life and is part of a worldwide programme of events between June 15th an September 15th.

You can sign up for the event at the link above.* Note that spaces are limited and children need to be accompanied.

Come and make something awesome with the Web!

* It would be amazing if you feel you’ve got the skills to come and help out with being a mentor.

Weeknote 27/2013

This week I’ve been:

Next week I was going to be in Berlin to run an Open Badges workshop with Tim Riches, but now I’m just going to be in London on Sunday night/Monday for ePIC conference (where I’ll be running three workshops). I also need to get planned a Maker Party event at the Centre for Life that I’ve booked for August 17th.
