Productivity via Moleskine notebook indexing.
Hat tip to Nick Dennis for this one (who I believe got it from Tim Ferriss’ book/blog). Here’s how to do it:
- Number the pages of your notebook 1, 1,5, 2, 2.5, etc.
- Add an index to the back of the notebook (brief summary of each page range)
- Colour-code however you see fit
This solves, at a stroke, the problem of having to hunt through pages and pages of hand-written notes and scrawls to find what you’re looking for!
Lovin’ the Google Moleskine – guessing its a by product of #gtauk?
Yep! Was in my Google Teacher Academy goodie bag! ;-)
No fair! I want one! [Now rolling around on floor like petulant child] :-)
Not exactly as the one I’ve got, but you can buy Google stuff here:
Tim Ferriss’ original blog post here:
Thanks Nick! :-)
So simple and yet clearly a great way to get organised! I’ll be giving this a go for sure.