Open Thinkering


My most ‘engaging’ posts of 2010

I use an algorithm called PostRank quite a bit. It analyses engagement based on the 5 C’s of engagement: Creating, Critiquing, Chatting, Collecting and Clicking; it’s not just number of clicks nor just number of comments, but a whole range of metrics mashed up together.

According to that system, these are my most ‘engaging’ posts of 2010 – i.e. all posts over 8.0 out of 10:

  1. 5 genuinely useful Twitter tools (10.0)
  2. Twitter is not the best CPD you ever received (10.0)
  3. Why we don’t celebrate Hallowe’en in our house (9.3)
  4. Google Apps (Education Edition) vs. Microsoft Live@Edu (9.3)
  5. Write lots? Buy this. (9.2)
  6. The ultra-paranoid guide to ensuring you’ve got your presentation slides (9.1)
  7. Media Literacy: the biggest enemy of UK ‘digital literacy’ initatives? (9.0)
  8. A response to Donald Clark’s #altc2010 keynote (8.9)
  9. My bMoble TeachMeet presentation (8.9)
  10. How to design the ultimate presentation (8.7)
  11. HOWTO: Setup Google Scholar to do the heavy lifting for you (8.6)
  12. 10 reasons I like reading ebooks more than paper books (8.5)
  13. 5 reasons I’m using less and less Open Source stuff (8.5)
  14. Things I Learned This Week – #20 (8.4)
  15. How I organize my Ed.D. thesis (8.3)
  16. Things I learned this week – #7 (8.3)
  17. 10 things I’ve learned since starting work for JISC (8.3)
  18. Some reflections on the organization of #BectaX (8.3)
  19. Off-site and cloud-based backup: my solution (8.3)
  20. How to move forward with Open Source: a teacher’s perspective (8.2)
  21. Edtech companies: inspiring or conspiring (8.2)
  22. What’s this? (8.2)
  23. 7 things the Bible taught me about productivity (8.1)
  24. Some considerations regarding ebook readers for academics (8.1)
  25. 5 ways Google Calendar is turning into my ultimate productivity system (8.1)
  26. Pragmatism, dead metaphors, and the myth of the echo chamber (8.0)

See you in 2011! ๐Ÿ˜€

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